Must-have add-ons you can’t miss out on- Automate your pull request and commit workflows and keep issues synced both waysGitHubBy Linear
- Create Linear issues from Slack messages and sync threadsSlackBy Linear
- Automate your Merge Request workflowGitLabBy Linear
- Create and link issues directly from FigmaFigmaBy Linear
- Keep a tight feedback loop with customers and streamline bug reportsIntercomBy Linear
- Build custom dashboards and analytics from issue dataGoogle SheetsBy Linear
Leverage AI to automate work inside Linear- An AI powered software engineer for your Linear issuesEngine AIBy Engine Labs
- AI to automate solving your ticketsProductaBy Producta AI
- Automatically create tasks in Linear from AI-generated meeting action items in FirefliesFireflies.aiBy
- AI coworker that solves your Linear issuesCodegenBy Codegen
- Turn customer calls, surveys, reviews, and support tickets into Linear issuesKraftfulBy Kraftful
- Automatically track & resolve support tickets right from Slack using AIUnthreadBy Unthread
- Automatically block time for your Linear issues in Google Calendar with ReclaimReclaim.aiBy
- Turn Linear Issues into Pull Requests with AI agentsFine AIBy
- Assign tasks to Saldor's AI Software EngineerSaldorBy Saldor
- The AI agent for Engineering teamsGraphBy LaunchNotes
- AI code reviewsCodeRabbitBy CodeRabbit
- Mine user feedback from support tickets, surveys, calls and turn them into Linear ticketsMonterey AIBy Monterey AI
Seamlessly integrate your engineering workflows- Automate your pull request and commit workflows and keep issues synced both waysGitHubBy Linear
- Automate your Merge Request workflowGitLabBy Linear
- Easily build VS Code extensions with Linear ConnectVS CodeBy Linear
- Create and link issues with Sentry and automate issue creationSentryBy Linear
- Create, search, and modify your issues from anywhereRaycastBy Raycast
- Manage incidents and triage responsibility directly in Linearincident.ioBy
- Speed up your bug reporting workflow with Bird Eats BugBird Eats BugBy Bird Eats Bug
- Manage Honeybadger errors via Linear issuesHoneybadgerBy Honeybadger
- Create, update, and analyze Linear issues in custom internal toolsRetoolBy Retool
- Create Linear issues from incidents reported from your website's monitoring and observability stackAll QuietBy All Quiet
- Build a customer-facing Linear integration 100x fasterTrutoBy Truto
- See important Linear notifications on your menu bar and desktopNeatBy Neat Technologies, Inc.
- Manage software testing and link test results to Linear issuesTestmoBy Testmo
- Share, review, and manage feedback on your web projectsNetlifyBy Netlify
- Full control of Linear, directly from your codebaseTrigger.devBy
- Collect website feedback and bug reports directly into your Linear projectsMarker.ioBy
- Add a Linear integration to your product with MergeMergeBy Merge
- Create new bug reports directly from your browserIteration XBy Iteration X
- Sync incidents, statuses, and comments between Spike and LinearSpikeBy Spike
- Create, track, link and reference tasks right from your code commentsTodo comments for LinearBy B. Schachter Digital LLC
- Test management process centralized in one place, manual and automatedTestomatBy
- Manage triage responsibility directly in Linear with Slack Round Robin RotationsPagerlyBy Pagerly
- Get detailed issue reports from your app directly to LinearShakeBy Shake Technologies, Inc.
- Connect your PR reviews with LinearLivecycleBy Livecycle
- Manage and automate your team's mobile releasesRunwayBy Runway
- Turn Linear Issues into Pull Requests with AI agentsFine AIBy
- Linear and pull request support for self-hosted GitHub Enterprise Server instanceGitHub Enterprise ServerBy Linear
- Manage incidents from Slack and auto-create tickets in LinearRootlyBy Rootly
- End-to-end sync of Linear issues and GitHub issuesSyncLinearBy, Inc.
- Assign tasks to Saldor's AI Software EngineerSaldorBy Saldor
- Make code reviews easier by syncing your pull request channels with your Linear issuesAxoloBy Axolo
- Manage tests and link Linear issues as defects or requirements to test cases, results or runsTestinyBy Testiny
- AI code reviewsCodeRabbitBy CodeRabbit
- Keep your teams in sync by connecting Linear and Kualitee issuesKualiteeBy Kualitee
- Connect Linear issues to pull requests in GraphiteGraphiteBy Graphite
- Keep your web app stable and your customers happy by pairing session replay and error monitoringHighlightBy Highlight
Bug Reporting
Streamline your bug tracking efforts- Turn Slack requests into actionable issues and enable helpdesk workflowsLinear AsksBy Linear
- Create and link issues with Sentry and automate issue creationSentryBy Linear
- Manage incidents and triage responsibility directly in Linearincident.ioBy
- Speed up your bug reporting workflow with Bird Eats BugBird Eats BugBy Bird Eats Bug
- Manage Honeybadger errors via Linear issuesHoneybadgerBy Honeybadger
- Create Linear issues with all the details developers need to resolve bugs fasterJamBy
- Turn Vercel Preview Deployment comments into action itemsVercelBy Vercel
- Create new issues right from your browser command barArcBy The Browser Company
- Create Linear issues from incidents reported from your website's monitoring and observability stackAll QuietBy All Quiet
- A visual bug-reporting browser extension that integrates with LinearBetterBugsBy BetterBugs
- Manage software testing and link test results to Linear issuesTestmoBy Testmo
- Collect website feedback and bug reports directly into your Linear projectsMarker.ioBy
- Make it easy for your clients and team to report bugs and mark up changes for their websiteBugHerdBy BugHerd
- Create new bug reports directly from your browserIteration XBy Iteration X
- Sync incidents, statuses, and comments between Spike and LinearSpikeBy Spike
- Connect your CS and product teamsDixaBy Dixa
- Get detailed issue reports from your app directly to LinearShakeBy Shake Technologies, Inc.
- Automatically link Linear issues with Flare errors and keep them in syncFlareBy Spatie
- Capture feedback and bugs from your website and send them to LinearCapture.devBy
- Collect issues, ideas, surveys and streamline to LinearUsersnapBy Usersnap
- Connect Linear tickets to Thena requests and receive updates on status changesThenaBy Thena
- Record bugs and directly create issues in LinearClaapBy Claap
- Manage incidents from Slack and auto-create tickets in LinearRootlyBy Rootly
- Submit website feedback straight into LinearFeedbucketBy Feedbucket
- Manage tests and link Linear issues as defects or requirements to test cases, results or runsTestinyBy Testiny
- Keep your teams in sync by connecting Linear and Kualitee issuesKualiteeBy Kualitee
- One-click bug logging from LambdaTest to your Linear projectsLambdaTestBy LambdaTest
- Automatically create issues in Linear whenever a test failsTestLodgeBy TestLodge
- Create automated end-to-end tests for your web applicationReflectBy Reflect
- Get visual feedback and bug reports from apps and websites directly in LinearUserbackBy Userback
Automate away your busy work- Build custom automations to create or update Linear issuesZapierBy Linear
- Set up email addresses for teams or templates to create issues via emailCreate issues via emailBy Linear
- Smoothly transition from Jira to LinearJiraBy Linear
- Easily integrate Linear with your appFusebitBy Fusebit, Inc.
- Create, search, and modify your issues from anywhereRaycastBy Raycast
- Sync your Linear data with the Fivetran connectorFivetranBy Fivetran
- Create Linear issues from a customizable intake formFilloutBy Fillout
- Automatically create detailed Linear issues from meeting transcriptsTactiqBy Tactiq
- Full control of Linear, directly from your codebaseTrigger.devBy
- Create Harvest time entries for your issues without having to switch appsHarvestBy Harvest
- Build automated workflows to create, search and update Linear issuesIntegratelyBy CompanyHub
- Integrate over 400 popular apps by connecting Monkedo to LinearMonkedoBy Monkedo
- Establish required fields to move issues through your Linear workflowRequired FieldsBy Quantos
- Connect Linear with Latenode for enhanced workflow automationLatenodeBy Latenode
- Integration and compute platform purpose-built for developersPipedreamBy Pipedream
- Keep track of product progress and automatically translate for customer-facing teamsJoynBy Joyn, Inc.
- Seamlessly connect your apps and services to automate repetitive tasks using SureTriggersSureTriggersBy Brainstorm Force
- Test management process centralized in one place, manual and automatedTestomatBy
- Add Linear activity summaries to your daily digest of team progressGatherBy Gather
- Automatically include Linear activity in smart async check-insSteadyBy Steady
- Automatically block time for your Linear issues in Google Calendar with ReclaimReclaim.aiBy
- Build workflows that automatically manage your issuesn8nBy n8n
- Automatically create Linear issues from meeting action itemsCirclebackBy Circleback
- Make code reviews easier by syncing your pull request channels with your Linear issuesAxoloBy Axolo
- Workflow automation beyond triggers and actionsRelay.appBy
- SnoozeThis is a bot that holds on to your blocked issuesSnoozeThisBy SnoozeThis
- Manage tests and link Linear issues as defects or requirements to test cases, results or runsTestinyBy Testiny
- Connect Linear with over 1,900 SaaS tools to automate business workflowsMakeBy Make
- Automate your Linear workflows with AILindyBy Lindy
- Automatically create issues in Linear whenever a test failsTestLodgeBy TestLodge
- Create issues in Linear using powerful intake formsFormcraftsBy Formcrafts
Customer Experience
Keep a tight feedback loop with your customers- Keep a tight feedback loop with customers and streamline bug reportsZendeskBy Linear
- Keep a tight feedback loop with customers and streamline bug reportsIntercomBy Linear
- Keep a tight feedback loop with customers and streamline bug reportsFrontBy Linear
- Sync Canny posts to Linear issues to keep customers in the loopCannyBy Canny
- Helpdesk, public roadmap, and changelog built on LinearProductlaneBy Productlane
- The Productboard and Jira Product Discovery alternative for Product Management on LinearIndexBy Index
- Create and sync Linear issues to your customer conversations on FernandFernandBy Fernand
- Convert user feedback into issues and collaborate with complete contextOlvyBy Olvy, Inc.
- Cycle is a product management platform that turns product feedback into customer engagement. Centralise customer insights from various sources, link them to relevant product initiatives, collaborate on those, and close the loop with customers at each releaseCycleBy Cycle
- Keep a tight feedback loop with customers and streamline bug reportsPylonBy Pylon
- View-only links to share your Linear projectsLindieBy Knkt Digital
- Sync your Linear data to Fibery and connect product management with executionFiberyBy Fibery
- Simplify the transition of your product ideas into market-ready solutionsLeanbeBy Leanbe
- Connect your CS and product teamsDixaBy Dixa
- Turn customer calls, surveys, reviews, and support tickets into Linear issuesKraftfulBy Kraftful
- Automatically track & resolve support tickets right from Slack using AIUnthreadBy Unthread
- Prioritize Linear backlog, capture and link user requests, and write changelog on autopilotDucalisBy Ducalis
- Keep a tight feedback loop with customers and streamline customer requestsAtlas SupportBy Atlas
- Use Linear to track and manage issues without leaving Help ScoutHelp ScoutBy Help Scout
- Turn user feedback into Linear issues to keep your team in syncFeatureOSBy FeatureOS
- Create and link issues in Plain, and close the loop with your customersPlainBy Plain
- Create Linear issues from user feedback and insights in SurvicateSurvicateBy Survicate
- Automate feedback and feature request collection with public suggestion boardsFeaturebaseBy Featurebase
- Manage your Linear issues and projects from DeskproDeskproBy Deskpro
Security & Compliance
Meet your compliance requirements- Create and link SecureSlate security tickets to LinearSecureSlateBy SecureSlate
- Automate compliance. Simplify security. Demonstrate trust.VantaBy Vanta
- Simplify risk and managing frameworks like SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI and moreDrataBy Drata
- Put your application security on autopilotAikido SecurityBy Aikido Security
Keep everyone in sync- Create Linear issues from Slack messages and sync threadsSlackBy Linear
- Turn Slack requests into actionable issues and enable helpdesk workflowsLinear AsksBy Linear
- Embed Loom videos in Linear issues and documentsLoomBy Linear
- Add custom emoji and import your organization's Slack emojiSlack Emoji ImporterBy Linear
- Create issues, share updates, and keep everyone in syncDiscordBy Linear
- Embed Descript share URLs in Linear issues and documentsDescriptBy Linear
- Helpdesk, public roadmap, and changelog built on LinearProductlaneBy Productlane
- Pull Linear issues into async check-ins to keep your software development team in syncRangeBy Range
- The Productboard and Jira Product Discovery alternative for Product Management on LinearIndexBy Index
- Build a culture of knowledge-sharingSlabBy Slab
- Turn Vercel Preview Deployment comments into action itemsVercelBy Vercel
- Create Linear issues from a customizable intake formFilloutBy Fillout
- Schedule and time block your Linear issues in any calendar using MorgenMorgenBy Morgen
- Keeping everyone moving forward from wherever you are with Google ChatGoogle Chat by ElateBy Elate
- See live previews of Linear issues, views and projects in NotionNotionBy Linear
- Convert user feedback into issues and collaborate with complete contextOlvyBy Olvy, Inc.
- Create, view and update Linear issues directly from BasedashBasedashBy Basedash
- Cycle is a product management platform that turns product feedback into customer engagement. Centralise customer insights from various sources, link them to relevant product initiatives, collaborate on those, and close the loop with customers at each releaseCycleBy Cycle
- Creates Linear tickets with NEXT highlights as evidenceNEXTBy NEXT
- Find feature specs (PRDs) and customer feedback to easily align and collaborate across teamsCardinalBy Cardinal
- Analyze and improve your team collaboration, boost productivityTeamplifyBy ivelum
- Collect pinned feedback and collaborate intuitively on any web and mobile projectsCommentedBy Commented
- Streamline issue tracking in meeting agendas and notesFellowBy
- Connect Linear and Guru for instant, AI-powered answersGuruBy Guru
- Get accurate estimates for your next sprint with for Linear issuesPlanningPoker.liveBy Gergely Bihary
- Report issues directly from HotjarHotjarBy Hotjar
- Share all your Linear information with private/public board viewsSteelSyncBy Figue
- Automatically create tasks in Linear from AI-generated meeting action items in FirefliesFireflies.aiBy
- See assigned issues from Linear in Superlist, get updates and see commentsSuperlistBy Superlist
- View-only links to share your Linear projectsLindieBy Knkt Digital
- Sync your Linear data to Fibery and connect product management with executionFiberyBy Fibery
- Pull your Linear issues into your daily plan in SunsamaSunsamaBy Sunsama
- Preview Linear issues and projects in Whimsical filesWhimsicalBy Whimsical
- Keep track of product progress and automatically translate for customer-facing teamsJoynBy Joyn, Inc.
- Simplify the transition of your product ideas into market-ready solutionsLeanbeBy Leanbe
- Automatically include Linear activity in smart async check-insSteadyBy Steady
- Turn customer calls, surveys, reviews, and support tickets into Linear issuesKraftfulBy Kraftful
- Effortless issue tracking for asynchronous daily stand-upsDailyBotBy DailyBot
- Connect your PR reviews with LinearLivecycleBy Livecycle
- Connect ClearFeed with Linear to efficiently manage and track issues from SlackClearFeedBy ClearFeed
- Prioritize Linear backlog, capture and link user requests, and write changelog on autopilotDucalisBy Ducalis
- Collect issues, ideas, surveys and streamline to LinearUsersnapBy Usersnap
- Connect Linear tickets to Thena requests and receive updates on status changesThenaBy Thena
- Record bugs and directly create issues in LinearClaapBy Claap
- Auto-generate beautiful product presentations and updates from your project data in LinearKorlBy Korl
- Estimate Linear issues using planning poker, publish and sync Team O’clock retrospective action items in LinearTeam O'clockBy Team O'clock
- Turn user feedback into Linear issues to keep your team in syncFeatureOSBy FeatureOS
- Preview Linear content in your meeting agendasHypercontextBy Hypercontext
- Effectively report an issue with embedded screenshots and videosScreenpressoBy Learnpulse SAS
- Embed and preview issues, directly in SliteSliteBy Slite
- Automate feedback and feature request collection with public suggestion boardsFeaturebaseBy Featurebase
- Automatically publish your TeamRetro action items as Linear issuesTeamRetroBy GroupMap Technology Pty Ltd
- Plan your team’s capacity each cycle with FloatFloatBy Float
- Create and find issues directly from ClayClayBy Clay
- Get visual feedback and bug reports from apps and websites directly in LinearUserbackBy Userback
- Mine user feedback from support tickets, surveys, calls and turn them into Linear ticketsMonterey AIBy Monterey AI
- Embed Linear issues directly in your GitBook documentationGitBookBy GitBook
Build custom reports based on your Linear data- Connect Linear to Airbyte and consolidate data in data warehouses, lakes, and databasesAirbyteBy Linear
- Build custom dashboards and analytics from issue dataGoogle SheetsBy Linear
- Sync your Linear data with the Fivetran connectorFivetranBy Fivetran
- Create, update, and analyze Linear issues in custom internal toolsRetoolBy Retool
- Simple time tracking for LinearTrackingTimeBy TrackingTime
- Creates Linear tickets with NEXT highlights as evidenceNEXTBy NEXT
- Analyze and improve your team collaboration, boost productivityTeamplifyBy ivelum
- Create reports of your cycles that your clients can review and sign off onCycle ReportBy Mindnow AG
- Track time, estimate tasks, set up a fixed-fee or recurring budget for your projectsEverhourBy Everhour
- Create custom charts and scheduled reports from your Linear dataScreenfulBy Screenful
- Sync data requests bi-directionally between Secoda and LinearSecodaBy Secoda
- Develop an impact-oriented strategyDoubleLoopBy DoubleLoop
- Improve developer productivity with insights from Linear and GitHubSwarmiaBy Swarmia
- Ready-made dashboards and out-of-the-box insights for your Linear issuesPolymerBy Polymer
- Create Linear issues from user feedback and insights in SurvicateSurvicateBy Survicate
- Analyze your team's performance, project lifecycles, issues and more with the Linear Pack for CodaCoda by Packs4CodaBy Packs4Coda
Media & Design
Preview and embed design files, videos, and more- Create and link issues directly from FigmaFigmaBy Linear
- Embed Loom videos in Linear issues and documentsLoomBy Linear
- Embed Descript share URLs in Linear issues and documentsDescriptBy Linear
- Embed YouTube videos in Linear issues and documentsYouTubeBy Linear
- Record bugs and directly create issues in LinearClaapBy Claap
- Effectively report an issue with embedded screenshots and videosScreenpressoBy Learnpulse SAS
Linear crafted
Integrations built by the Linear team- Automate your pull request and commit workflows and keep issues synced both waysGitHubBy Linear
- Create Linear issues from Slack messages and sync threadsSlackBy Linear
- Automate your Merge Request workflowGitLabBy Linear
- Create and link issues directly from FigmaFigmaBy Linear
- Keep a tight feedback loop with customers and streamline bug reportsZendeskBy Linear
- Turn Slack requests into actionable issues and enable helpdesk workflowsLinear AsksBy Linear
- Build custom automations to create or update Linear issuesZapierBy Linear
- Connect Linear to Airbyte and consolidate data in data warehouses, lakes, and databasesAirbyteBy Linear
- Keep a tight feedback loop with customers and streamline bug reportsIntercomBy Linear
- Embed Loom videos in Linear issues and documentsLoomBy Linear
- Easily build VS Code extensions with Linear ConnectVS CodeBy Linear
- Create and link issues with Sentry and automate issue creationSentryBy Linear
- Build custom dashboards and analytics from issue dataGoogle SheetsBy Linear
- Set up email addresses for teams or templates to create issues via emailCreate issues via emailBy Linear
- Add custom emoji and import your organization's Slack emojiSlack Emoji ImporterBy Linear
- Create issues, share updates, and keep everyone in syncDiscordBy Linear
- Keep a tight feedback loop with customers and streamline bug reportsFrontBy Linear
- Smoothly transition from Jira to LinearJiraBy Linear
- Embed Descript share URLs in Linear issues and documentsDescriptBy Linear
- See live previews of Linear issues, views and projects in NotionNotionBy Linear
- Embed YouTube videos in Linear issues and documentsYouTubeBy Linear
- Linear and pull request support for self-hosted GitHub Enterprise Server instanceGitHub Enterprise ServerBy Linear
Start building