- Integrations
- Zapier
Build custom automations to create or update Linear issues

Use Zapier to create issues, build automations, and design custom workflows using Linear actions.
How it works
Zapier provides an out-of-the-box solution for automation. While Linear's API provides more customizability, Zapier is faster to implement, does not require technical knowledge, and easily connects to many popular tools.
Create a Zapier account and then go use our Zapier integration to build workflows. You'll select other apps or Zapier actions (e.g. do something daily at 10AM).
This integration supports automating the creation of issues, projects, issue attachments, comments and more in Linear. Alternatively, use Linear as a trigger at the start of your Zap to take actions in other applications. Learn more about what's possible with Zapier here.
If you're not seeing full functionality, ensure the Zap in question is running the latest version of the Linear integration.
Go to Linear's Zapier integration to build workflows with Zapier actions and other apps.