Linear Documentation
Get an overview of Linear's features, integrations, and how to use them.
Most popular
Start Guide
Learn how to use the app and follow best practices for software building
Import Issues
Quickly move issues from your existing issue tracker into Linear
Focus the team’s priorities and build momentum
Shape your product ideas and plan what to build next
Apply and combine filters to refine issue lists and create shareable Views
GitHub Automations
Link issues and automate pull request workflows
Linear basics
Learn about Linear's basic features and kickstart your workspace
Create new statuses and design custom issue workflows
Select Issues
Learn how to take actions on multiple issues at a time
Issue Relations
Indicate blocked, blocking, related, and duplicate issues
Display Options
Order, sort, and group issues and projects and customize views
Use a special inbox for issues from integrations and other teams
Parent and Sub-Issues
Break down larger tasks into smaller pieces of work