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Enable notifications to get alerts on important issue updates.

Linear app settings page showing notification settings


All issue notifications go to your Linear Inbox. You can optionally configure desktop push notifications, personal Slack notifications, and email digests. Desktop notifications work for macOS or windows and when using most browsers.

G then S to go to Settings > Account > Notifications

H to snooze/set a reminder

Shift S to subscribe

Cmd/Ctrl Shift S to unsubscribe

Cmd/Ctrl Opt O to open a link displayed in a toast notification

Cmd/Ctrl T to open in a new tab

Ctrl , to open in a new window


Go to Settings > Account > Notifications to enable notifications for desktop, Slack, and email.

You'll see a list of notification triggers as well as checkboxes next to them for email and desktop notifications. Options for Slack will appear once the integration has been enabled (see our Slack documentation for instructions).


Notification triggers

From your notification settings, you'll see the below list of issue updates and options to customize their associated notifications for desktop, email, or Slack:

  • You’re assigned an issue
  • You're unassigned from an issue
  • You're mentioned in an issue
  • A reaction is added to a comment you wrote
  • You're reminded of an issue
  • An issue is at risk of breaching SLA
  • An issue breached SLA
  • Assigned issue is marked as urgent or blocking
  • An issue you're assigned is unblocked
  • An issue you're assigned is due
  • An issue you subscribe to is marked completed or canceled
  • A comment is made in an issue you subscribe to
  • A view you have notifications on for has a new issue in the view, triage or a completed/canceled status.

You will also see options to configure notifications for projects and teams you are subscribed to. You can manage your team and project subscriptions from here or you can manage project subscriptions from within each individual project. Read more about project notifications in our documentation here.

You can toggle on or off emails for Linear Changelogs or privacy and legal updates here.


You'll receive inbox notifications for all subscribed issues. You're automatically subscribed to issues when you create them, are assigned an issue, are @mentioned in an issue comment or description, or if you use the menu in the Activity section to subscribe manually.

To manage subscriptions, open issues individually and then press Shift S to subscribe or Cmd/Ctrl Shift S unsubscribe. View all subscribed issues under My Issues > Subscribed.


Desktop and Slack notifications are sent in real-time. Email digests are designed with time delays based on urgency and are only sent if you haven't already read the notification.

Email digests

Email digests send a summary of unread notifications. They're configured to send out after a certain amount of time has elapsed depending on properties such as issue status. We send near immediate email updates when you've been assigned an urgent issue or if an issue you're assigned is marked urgent.

Low priority email notifications are by default not sent out outside of working hours and on the weekends. You will receive the email digest at the start of the next work day. The default can be changed in the notification settings page.



To snooze Inbox issues or set a reminder, type the shortcut H and then select a deafult option or customize your own date and time. Hide or show Snoozed Inbox items in Display Options and see all Snooze options in our documentation here.

Project updates

Subscribe to these to receive an Inbox notification whenever an issue in your project is created, a comment is made on a project issue, or a project issue is marked completed or canceled.

Team updates

You can receive an Inbox notification whenever issues are created in your team. We don't really recommend this notification, since it can get noisy, and instead recommend setting up Slack channel notifications for your team which will send updates without clogging up your Inbox.

View Subscriptions

If you'd like to be notified when new issues meet a set of view criteria, consider subscribing to the view. You can also be notified when an issue in a view is completed or canceled. You can subscribe to custom, user and label views.

View subscription options: an issue is added to the view, and/or an issue is marked completed/canceled

Manage these notifications from account settings under Labels, Users and Views.

Slack channel notifications

We have a separate integration with Slack that lets you push team or project updates to a specific Slack channel. You can manage these from account settings page, team settings, or the bell from specific project pages. Learn more and how to set them up in our Slack documentation.