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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Triage responsibility

Triage view open with a dropdown showing that Kenneth is the current assignee responsible for triaging issues, and Leela will take over next week respon

Triage responsibility

You can now enable triage responsibility to define how incoming issues and requests are handled in Triage. When an issue is added to Triage, you can either notify or assign the issue to specific workspace members. We recommend notifications for most product teams, but assignment works well for teams that typically handle small requests that anyone can pick up. If your team uses PagerDuty, you can connect a PagerDuty schedule to automatically rotate who is responsible for triage.

Triage responsibility is indicated in issue history, so anyone can easily see who was responsible for handling an issue. We recommend this feature for any team using Triage.

To start using triage responsibility, go to your team's Triage inbox and click the unassigned icon in the header or to the team's triage settings page.

Sidebar filters & Insights everywhere

We’ve added overview sidebars across all views in the app, including My Issues, team issue views, and project views. Previously only available on custom views and roadmaps, sidebars show you essential details about the set of issues or projects in your view and let you apply quick filters. Open the sidebar from any view with Cmd/Ctrl I.

Linear Insights is now also available across all issue and project views for Plus plan members.

View subscriptions

Subscribe to get notified of key changes in the views you care about most. Opt-in to receive a notification when issues are added to the view or when issues are completed or canceled. This makes it easy to track your most important custom views such as high-priority bugs or issues ready for review. You can also enable notifications in the current cycle, backlog, label views, and user profiles. Subscribe to notifications directly from the view and manage subscriptions in notification settings.

Also new:

💼 Set a default project template for a team
👆 Swipe gestures to close sidebars on touch devices
🗂️ Filter projects and issues by template

Resize images

Linear issue shown with an image being resized

Resize images

Images can now be resized in issue descriptions, documents, and comments. Hover over an image to reveal handles on either side and drag the image to the desired size. If there are multiple images in a description, they will snap to the size of other images to make alignment easier.

Editor improvements

Editor content can now be moved around using just keyboard shortcuts. Use Option/Alt Up/Down to move paragraphs, list items, and lines of code up or down. Select multiple lines of content to move them as a group.

Linear now supports hard line breaks in descriptions and comments. Try Shift Enter to create a line break but remain in the same paragraph.

Project templates

A project template for Marquee feature with milestones Alpha, Beta, etc.

Project Templates

You can now create standard templates for projects. You'll be able to define basic details such as the project name, description, lead, project members, project status, and associated roadmaps. You can create pre-defined milestones, for instance, so that every project includes Alpha, Beta, and GA milestones (e.g. this makes it easy to filter for all projects actively in beta), and also create standard issues for the project. Issues created in a project template can be assigned to different teams and milestones as well. This feature is particularly useful for workflows that require a standard set of tasks.

To create or edit a project template, go to the Templates section in your team or workspace settings. When you initiate a new project, you'll have the option to apply one of these templates from the project creation modal, in the same way you do for issue templates.

Series B

Last week we announced our Series B fundraise, led by Accel, with participation from Sequoia Capital, 01Advisors, and some of the world’s best product builders and operators including the founders of Slack, Vercel, and Supercell. We didn’t have to raise a new round, but it gives us the capital and confidence to build and grow for many years to come. Thank you for building with Linear. We’re committed to our focus on building intuitive, high-quality, and magical software and helping you do the same. Read the full post on our blog.


Type @ to mention a teammate or tag an issue, project, or document in Linear


We’ve made it easier to link issues, projects, and documents in Linear. Simply type @ and the name of the object that you want to link in the description or comment, just as you would mention a teammate. As you type, you’ll see matching items appear as options in the search, which we’ve also improved so that the most relevant issues show up.

View explore mode

It is now easier to get started with views. You can make a new view to explore issues without the need to save it first. You can use filters to see a view of issues or projects, configure display options, and even see Insights (if you’re on the Plus plan). This makes it easier to build views, letting you adjust the view incrementally until it meets your need. We’re also utilizing AI to create a prefilled name and description for your view when you’re ready to save it.

The new creation flow also opens up the option to explore data temporarily, so you can answer questions and create one-time reports without cluttering up your workspace with views you’ll never use again. You can share these exploratory views with your coworkers.

Project progress reports

Progress report from a Linear project, highlighting what percent of milestones were completed since the last update. The progress report is printed out on a piece of paper, like it would be for an old school critique of the design.

Progress reports for projects

Project updates now include a concise overview of changes in a project since the last project update. Below the project health and written summary, you’ll see key metrics around issues completed, progress toward milestones, as well as changes to target dates, project leads, and teams involved in the project. This makes it easier to see progress at a glance and spot when a project might be at risk.

These new progress reports are included in project updates shared to Slack if you have set up the notification in project update settings (we highly recommend it). This makes it easy to communicate progress to stakeholders across your organization.

Project boards

Whenever you’re looking at a list of projects, you can now view it in a board layout in addition to the list and timeline views. The board layout supports the same display options as lists and can be grouped by roadmap or by project status, project lead, or project health. We’ve added flexibility so that you can configure different properties to appear on different layouts. For example, a view of this quarter’s projects seen in the board layout can show multiple properties while the list view can be kept simple and only show the project status, health, and lead.

Issue reactions

You can now add emoji reactions to issues to provide quick feedback or celebrate a win. A button to add a reaction is available below the issue description, right above where you would add sub-issues. The issue’s creator will receive a notification for reactions to their issue. All standard emojis as well as any custom emojis you have imported from Slack are available to use.

Slack integration improvements

The Linear Slack integration now lets you link a message to an existing Linear issue in addition to creating a new issue from a message. Select the “Link existing issue…” action from the overflow menu for any message in Slack to search across all issues currently in your Linear workspace. You can search by ID or title of the issue.

Similar Issues

Issue creation modal showing possible duplicate issues

Similar Issues

We now use AI to surface existing issues in your workspace that may be duplicates or related issues. When creating a new issue, you’ll see possible duplicates appear under the issue modal. If it’s a duplicate, you can quickly turn your issue draft into a comment on the canonical issue instead.

If your team uses Triage, you’ll see similar issues appear above the issue title when the triage issue matches other issues in your workspace. You can take quick actions to mark the triage issue as a duplicate of the similar issue (with the keyboard shortcut 2) or reference the similar issue in the triage issue.

If you use our Zendesk or Intercom integrations, you’ll also see related issues appear whenever creating a linked issue from the integration, so that it’s easy to review issues related to the customer problem or feature request.

Overview sidebar for Views and Roadmaps

We added sidebars to custom views and roadmaps that show you essential details and let you quickly filter issues. On custom issue views, the overview will show you how issues are distributed by assignee, label, and projects. On project views, you’ll see how projects are spread across leads, teams, roadmaps, and project health. Similarly on individual roadmaps, you’ll see a breakdown of projects by leads, team, and project health. Select a value in the table to filter the view or roadmap to just those issues or projects.

View Owners

You can now assign an owner to custom views. You’ll see the owner displayed when looking at views in a list and in the overview sidebar for any issue or project view. By default, the creator is the view owner but you can change the owner from the overview sidebar.

Rich embeds

We're making improvements to the editor, starting with adding more control over how links appear. When adding an external link, we now give you the option to insert it as an ordinary link, a preview with thumbnail, or a rich embed where possible, including Figma, Loom, and Descript.

Templates for Slack, Intercom & Zendesk

When creating a Linear issue from Slack, the template dropdown shows three available templates: Bug report, changelog, feature request

Slack templates

You can now apply a template when creating an issue from Slack, so that it is easier to follow best practices and capture information for issues such as bug reports and feature requests.

Add templates to your Slack integration from workspace template settings or the Slack settings page. You can make up to 5 issue templates available in your Slack integration, which any Linear members in your Slack workspace can view and apply when creating issues from Slack. If you have a default template set for your team, it will show up as an additional (6th) template option after the team has been selected.

When using a template, any fields set in the template will be pre-filled for you such as the assignee, label, project, status, and description. If your issue template has sub-issues, they’ll be created automatically with the parent issue and can be edited in Linear.

Intercom & Zendesk templates

We’ve also added templates to Intercom and Zendesk to make it easier to follow your existing workflows and file high quality bug reports and feature requests coming for your customers.

Like with Slack, you can choose up to 5 issue templates to add to your support integration. Enable the desired templates for your integration from workspace template settings or any team template settings page, or from the templates section in the Intercom or Zendesk settings pages. Once enabled, they’ll become available in those applications in the Linear sidebar under Templates. When applied, the template will pre-fill available fields such as title, description, status, and label as well as create sub-issues when applicable.

Slack Sync

Comment thread in a Linear issue showing a synced thread from Slack

Slack sync

You can now bi-directionally sync comments, shared files, and important status changes between Slack and Linear.

When you choose to sync a Slack thread with a Linear issue, any message or file posted in the Slack thread will automatically cross-post to a comment thread in the Linear issue and vice versa. Linear also posts updates to the synced thread when the issue is completed, closed, or opened. This keeps everyone following along in Slack updated.

You can sync an issue with a Slack thread anytime you create an issue from a Slack message using the More actions menu. To link an existing issue to a thread, post the issue link as a reply to the thread you want to sync and then select Sync thread from the quick actions menu.

This update reduces context-switching between Slack and Linear and keeps conversations aligned across both applications. Anyone in your Slack workspace can reply and see issue updates in synced threads, and messages they post in Slack will be visible in Linear as well.

Slack sync also works in shared Slack channels. If you have a shared channel set up with a customer, for example, you can use Slack sync to keep people outside of your Linear workspace updated on bugs or features they’ve requested.

You may need to reinstall your workspace's Slack integration to access this update. Learn more in our documentation.

Breadcrumb navigation

Linear now features breadcrumbs at the top of most pages as a way to navigate through the product. As you move through Linear, your path will be displayed. Select a breadcrumb to move back to the previous page.

Figma x Linear

The figma and linear logos are shown next to a screenshot of the plugin. The plugin lists issues linked to a Figma design, and one of the issues follows a path to a screenshot of the linked Linear issue

Figma x Linear

Streamline work across design and engineering with the new Linear plugin for Figma. The plugin creates a deep integration between Figma designs and Linear issues, allowing you navigate tasks in their spatial context. This makes collaboration between engineers and designers easier and more frictionless than ever before.

When you run the plugin you get an overview of all Linear issues that have been linked to the respective page in Figma (you can use filters and sort options to narrow the list down those issues that are most relevant to you). When you select an issue, it instantly takes you to the corresponding element on the Figma canvas.

Create new issues or link to existing ones directly from Figma without leaving the canvas. Issues can be connected to frames, sections, and pages of your design. When you update an issue from either Linear or Figma, the changes immediately get synced across both applications. This keeps everyone aligned and focused.

To use the plugin, install it in Figma. You can also take a tour of the plugin at our interactive Figma release page.

Linear has been built on Figma since day one and we’re excited to launch the plugin at Config as an official Figma partner.

Burn-up charts

Burn-up chart for Insights showing a set of 3,000 issues. The graph displays issue count over time, week by week, segmented by priority

Burn-up charts

Linear Insights now includes burn-up charts, or cumulative flow diagrams, that show how streams of work have changed over time. Unlike other Insights, burn-up charts display your historical issue data so that you can analyze and detect patterns across specific time windows.

For example, you can create a burn-up chart to investigate how well you’ve been managing bugs over time.

A burn-up chart showing bugs across all engineering teams. There are 418 issues total, segmented by status type. The graph shows a good bug clearance rate, with the majority of bugs being completed and a stable rate of bugs in triage, backlog, and todo.

In this snapshot, we are looking at issues with the label Bug across all engineering teams. You can see the overall bug growth by looking at the top level issue count. By segmenting by Status type, you can compare the ratio of closed to open bugs and see if you are fixing bugs faster than you are creating them. Look for spots where bugs get stuck in Triage or another workflow step.

Apply different segments to your burn-up chart to explore:

  • How effort has been allocated across teams
  • Changes in the type of work your team has focused on
  • If your backlog is under control
  • How scope has increased in a specific project

By default, burn-up charts show data in monthly increments. Adjust Insights settings to plot the data week over week, include archived issues, or to expand the view to fullscreen. Burn-up charts based on large data sets can take a bit longer to generate. We are working on performance improvements to get them to the same speed that you are used to from other Linear features.

Insights is now out of beta and available to all Plus plan customers. Learn more about the feature and sign up to a free 30-day trial to try Insights and see if it is right for your team.