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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Auto-close parent and sub-issues

Auto-close parent and sub-issues

Streamline your issue workflow with auto-close for parent and sub-issues. This new automation can be enabled in two ways:

Parent auto-close

When all sub-issues [2] are marked as done, the parent issue [1] will also be marked as complete automatically.

Sub-issue auto-close

When the parent issue [1] is marked as done, all remaining sub-issues [2] will also be marked as complete.

These automations will work in tandem with your existing git workflow automations and can be enabled under Settings > Team > Workflow.

Reverse sort ordering

You can now reverse the sort order of issues or projects in Linear. Open the Display options on any view to change the ordering direction. Reverse sort order is available for all views except those ordered manually or by status.

  • Documents
    Version history entries are now grouped by date
  • Documents
    You can now copy documents as markdown
  • Initiatives
    You can now copy initiative overviews as markdown, and all initiative copy commands are available in the command menu
  • Labels
    The label page contextual menu now lets you rename labels and quickly jump to label settings
  • Timeline
    You can now command-click on the left-hand project list to open a project in a new tab
  • Notifications
    You'll now be notified when someone (a person or integration) reopens an issue that you're assigned to
  • Slack
    Document summaries in Slack were improved to remove boilerplate language
  • Projects
    Project members are now prioritized in the issue assignment dialog
  • Slack
    Connecting team Slack notifications is now possible through the bell menu on the team "All issues" page
  • Inbox
    Added an action to open the document in full view from the Inbox
  • Views
    Views grouped by parent issue will show parent issues in view order.
  • Notifications
    It's now possible to subscribe to more types of Inbox notifications including issue added to backlog and issue added to active issues
  • Templates
    You can now apply a template to multiple issues at once
  • Login
    The login page now displays the last used login method
  • Avatars
    Fixed a bug where avatars based on initials were only generated for names containing ASCII characters
  • Board
    Fixed an issue where creating an issue within a board grouped by labels on both rows and columns would not pre-fill multiple labels correctly
  • Board
    Fixed an issue where the cycle was not correctly pre-filled when creating an issue from an empty board column
  • Custom View
    Fixed an issue where changing the view type when creating a view would remove the name and description if the user had entered them
  • Editor
    Pressing Shift Enter while selecting a Figma embed will now correctly add a new line below it
  • Editor
    Using Ctrl A and Ctrl E in a code block will now correctly scroll the code block horizontally if necessary
  • Editor
    Fixed a bug causing tables to overflow into the comments panel on large screens
  • Export
    Fixed an issue exporting project lists to CSV
  • Inbox
    Incoming notifications no longer reset the currently active notification view
  • Inbox
    Notification cells now have a faint hover color
  • Initiatives
    The graph in the right panel will now be sized appropriately for both smaller and larger panel sizes
  • Issue
    Fixed a bug where removing a blocking issue did not take effect after saving a copy
  • Issue lists
    Fixed a bug where the due date control acted on the wrong issue if another issue in the list was selected
  • Project
    Fixed a bug where project icon suggestions would occasionally throw an error
  • Projects
    Fixed a bug where project dates would be auto-updated when moving within the same start/target date grouping
  • Shortcuts
    Keyboard shortcuts for issue properties now work when adding sub-issues inside the main issue creator
  • Sidebar
    Clicking on a project tab will no longer reset the favorite highlight when coming from a favorite
  • Sidebar
    The team's contextual menu will no longer overflow from the sidebar for teams with lengthy names
  • Slack
    Slack title generation should handle mixed language messages more consistently
  • Timeline
    Fixed a bug where dragging the horizontal scrollbar in the timeline could lead to an infinite scrolling loop
  • Triage
    Fixed unfair distribution of issues when moving issues to triage in bulk and using the Assign triage responsibility action
  • Figma
    We now close Figma embed previews without closing the Project or Issue draft
  • Imports
    Fixed Linear to Linear imports so that they work when importing a team with 0 issues
  • Navigation
    Fixed a focus escaping issue in the composer when tabbing
  • Issue relations
    Updated the related issue title color for easy identification and relation to issue ID
  • Labels
    Fixed an issue where searching for labels with just one character wouldn't display the desired result
  • Performance
    Improved performance when reordering multiple issues at once
  • Templates
    Fixed issues where template descriptions would append on top of each other (instead of replacing) even if you didn't change the description manually
  • Downloads
    Fixed a regression where downloaded files lost their original filename
  • Views
    Fixed a bug where editing custom views failed
  • Inbox
    Fixed a misplaced loading indicator in the Inbox
  • Teams
    Fixed a short-lived bug where the "Remove from team" action in some cases would remove the current user instead of the selected user
  • Performance
    Fixed a crash that occurred on spotty network connections
  • Supported filtering projects by cancellation date canceledAt
  • Internal markdown links will be automatically converted into mentions
  • ExternalUser no longer requires an admin role to read
  • ProjectUpdateInteraction is now deprecated and will be removed at a later date
  • Documents
    Cmd C now copies the link to the document if focused (instead of the owning project)
  • Shortcuts for toggling the sidebar/details are now included in the shortcuts help center