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New updates and improvements to Linear.

A new home for your projects

A screenshot of the Linear sidebar highlighting the new Projects menu item

A new home for your projects

We added a new Projects page that acts as a single home and entry point for all of your projects. It is easy to access from the sidebar and by default shows you a view of all of the projects in your workspace.

If you have a specific slice or view of your projects that everyone should be looking at, you can create and save that view right from this page. It will be pinned to the top of the Projects page, making it easier to share important views with others and keep everyone aligned. You can now create and attach views to team Projects pages, too.

A screenshot of the new Projects page in Linear highlighting the top navbar containing "All projects" and a variety of attached custom project views

Here are some examples of views you may want to attach to Projects pages:

  • Product pipeline: Show all projects by status on a board view
  • In progress: List out active projects for a single team or across multiple teams
  • Launch calendar: Highlight major marketing releases on a timeline

Asks for Enterprise

We've made improvements to Linear Asks to better support different customer use cases.

On the Enterprise plan, we support granular channel-specific controls. Enterprise users can now also connect multiple Slack workspaces to the same Linear workspace for both the Asks and Slack integrations. This lets you use Asks to manage requests in your internal Slack workspace while also using Asks to triage customer requests from a public or community Slack workspace.

On the Business plan, we added support for a streamlined offering that lets you enable Asks for all public channels. Anyone can create an Ask by selecting a template or reacting to a message with the ticket emoji 🎫.

⌘F for desktop app

You can now press Cmd/Ctrl F to search for text within issues, documents, and projects.