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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Passkeys: A fast and secure way to log in to Linear

Log in with passkey button shown alongside a fingerprint (Touch ID), Face ID, 1Password, and Microsoft Hello

Passkeys: A fast and secure way to log in to Linear

Linear now supports Passkeys as a login method in addition to email and SSO options. Passkeys are a new standard enabling secure and fast login without having to rely on passwords. They are supported by all major browsers, mobile operating systems, and many password managers like 1Password.

To set up Passkeys on your account, head to Security & Access settings. You'll be able to register several devices if you wish. You can log in to Linear on your browser or mobile app using passkeys today and we're looking to add support to our desktop application later this year.

In addition to adding Passkey support, we also added email-based security notifications for new sessions, API keys, and other security options. These notifications will help you keep track of activity on your account and you'll always see the active sessions listed in your security settings.

IP restrictions

Linear Enterprise customers now have the option to enable an extra security layer for accessing Linear by restricting workspace access to their private network. When enabled, all direct user access to Linear, including web, desktop, mobile, and API access, will be limited to the set of configured IPs. Be careful, don't lock yourself out.

Table improvements

You can now resize tables in the text editor by adjusting the column width. Hover over any column border and then click and drag to change the size. Large tables will overflow the document boundary and allow horizontal scrolling.