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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Priority for projects

Dropdown menu for changing the priority of a Linear project

Priority for projects

We've improved how prioritization works in Linear. You can now give projects a priority level, ensuring the most important projects are always in focus. Project priorities use the same scale as issues (Urgent, High, Medium, Low, or No priority).

Micro-adjust priority

Sometimes you want to indicate that a specific piece of work is more important than another one, even if they share the same priority level. You can now do this by micro-adjusting the priority within a list of issues or projects.

On any view ordered by priority, simply drag & drop an issue or project above other ones to indicate it is more important. The exact position will be saved globally across your workspace, so that anyone else looking at a view ordered by priority will see these issues or projects in the same relative positions.

If the moved item is dragged above an issue or project with a different priority level, it will adopt the priority level of the item right below it. By default, items without an assigned priority level are now always sorted last. Learn more by visiting the docs or watch Sagan from our product team walk you through how to micro-adjust priority.

GitHub Enterprise Server

We've expanded Linear's pull request support to self-hosted GitHub Enterprise Server. You can now install the new integration to link Linear issues with a GitHub instance that's hosted in a custom URL. The integration doesn't require new firewall rules and is designed to fulfill the security requirements of our most demanding customers who decide to host GitHub themselves.

GitHub Enterprise Server will support the majority of the functionality of our existing GitHub integration with the exception of issue syncing and commit linking. and Enterprise Cloud users should use our existing GitHub integration and the new one is only meant for Enterprise Server customers.

  • API
    Fixed webhooks that were not firing when a project's teams or members were updated
  • Archival
    Issue parent relationships are now preserved after projects are restored from the archive
  • Board
    Fixed issues with board column headings not being properly truncated
  • Command menu
    Fixed a bug where pressing the space key wouldn't select or deselect a label
  • Cycles
    The cycle start/end date picker now properly shows the highlighted range of dates
  • Cycles
    Cooldowns are now skipped when navigating the cycles list by keyboard
  • Cycles
    Auto-numbering Cycles that end with a number will now work in more cases
  • Desktop
    Fixed missing header for Inbox and Triage when hiding the sidebar and no tabs are visible
  • Documents
    Fixed a bug that prevented document titles from saving when navigating to another page
  • Editor
    Removed inline comment highlights from pasted code
  • Editor
    Fixed creating a hard break with Shift Enter after inline code
  • Filters
    Fixed a bug where applying quick filters would result in an invalid list or board view
  • Initiatives
    Project statuses are now in the correct order when grouping by project status on an initiative's timeline view
  • Initiatives
    Fixed a problem that, in some cases, prevented assigning multiple projects to an initiative at once
  • Initiatives
    Fixed manual ordering of projects in an initiative when grouping by team
  • Inline comments
    Fixed opening inline comments on the project overview page
  • Inline comments
    Fixed opening inline comments from Inbox notification
  • Insights
    Fixed a bug preventing the Insights panel from being scrollable
  • Issues
    Improved spacing for sub-issues list and issue editors
  • Issues
    When grouping by label in issues and board, the order of groups now follows the order in the labels settings page
  • Notion
    Target dates are now shown (if set) in Notion project unfurls
  • Project
    Project's name and short description are now saved if you leave the page right after changing them
  • Projects
    Fixed an issue with resolved comments not being available for some documents
  • Projects
    Prevented orphaning + button in project resources
  • Sidebar
    Fixed problems with the "Exploring" team section in the sidebar not showing up when expected
  • Slack
    Fixed a problem when connecting a Slack workspace to a new Linear workspace
  • Slack
    The team is now set correctly in the Slack issue creation modal when applying a Linear workspace template with a specific team in Slack
  • Slack
    We now unfurl issue identifier mentions in Slack only if the message was posted by a Slack user who is also a user in the Linear workspace
  • Tables
    Table width is now properly resized when adding a comment within the table
  • Templates
    The modal for adding a team to a project will no longer show up twice when creating an issue for a team with a default template
  • Templates
    Fixed URL to create project templates not working after deprecating roadmaps
  • Timeline
    Milestones are now shown in the correct place when a project has no start date
  • Timeline
    Removed highlight state when moving cursor out of the timeline area
  • Timeline
    The plus button is now properly displayed in the timeline headers when the details panel is open
  • Milestones
    Notifications of inline comments in milestones will now correctly display the comment and milestone when selected
  • Navigation
    Fixed many cases of broken scroll restoration
  • Documents
    Fixed a rare occurrence where creating a document from selection would fail and leave a broken document
  • Git integrations
    Fixed linkback options missing in GitHub and GitLab integration settings
  • Editor
    The formatting toolbar will now correctly reposition when resizing the window while it's open
  • Snooze
    Fixed snoozed notifications not triggering desktop push notifications
  • Guests
    Guests can now see, create, and edit views on projects
  • Initiatives
    The app no longer displays initiative quick-filter tab if initiatives are disabled.
  • Filters
    Fixed an issue where a member not any of ... filter would throw an error when trying to save a view
  • Triage
    Recently triaged items are now correctly ordered
  • Attachments
    Fixed a bug when creating a Jira link using a Linear issue identifier (LIN-123) instead of ID
  • Desktop
    The Find feature now correctly scrolls to the content when the text is hidden horizontally
  • Editor
    If you create an issue from selected content in a document or issue description, we now ensure any links are copied over to the issue description
  • Docs
    Content in inactive tabs on will now be automatically searched and opened while using the browser find-in-page function
  • Actions
    The Create new project… option is now always placed at the bottom when adding an issue to a project
  • Audit log
    We now record an entry in the audit log when Asks integration settings are changed
  • Board
    Swimlanes will now follow the same ordering of project status groups as the list view, i.e., projects in progress show up first
  • Cycles
    We now only consider previous cycles that had issues in them when estimating cycle capacity for a team
  • Desktop
    Added an unread indicator to the Linear desktop icon on Windows
  • Desktop
    Selected text will automatically be used as the search text when opening Find-in-page
  • Editor
    Code blocks now default to diff syntax highlighting when they contain the output of a git diff command
  • Editor
    You can now select multiple single images with Cmd Click, or select a whole range of images with Shift Click. Images can then be dragged or deleted together.
  • Importers
    It is now possible to only import Github issues matching a filter selection
  • Initiatives
    Added support for Notion unfurls
  • Initiatives
    Added an action to copy the Initiative name as HTML
  • Intercom
    Company ID is now available in Intercom attachment
  • Project health
    Added a distinct Outdated state for project update health and updated the health icons
  • Projects
    When moving issues to a different project, sub-issues that are part of a different project from their parent issue will not be moved
  • Projects
    You can now easily copy external link URLs in project and initiative overview pages
  • Settings
    Added ability for admins to rename a user's full name
  • Table
    You can now move table columns and rows using combined with an arrow key ( )
  • Templates
    We now prevent accidentally losing changes when editing nested issues in issue and project templates
  • Timeline
    Improved colors and contrast in the timeline
  • Emoji
    The emoji picker now handles very large numbers of custom emoji
  • Command menu
    The command menu (Cmd/Ctrl K ) responds quicker in workspaces with many teams
  • Navigation
    You can now horizontally scroll to content behind an open details sidebar
  • Browser
    Added an option to open links in a new browser tab to links with a custom contextual menu
  • Projects view
    When grouping by initiatives, active initiatives will always come first, then planned, and finally completed ones
  • GitHub integration
    It is now possible to bulk import multiple GitHub repositories at a time
  • Milestones
    Milestones now render better in project lists
  • Views
    Show more informative popovers on list/board group headers
  • Slack
    If all messages in a Slack synced thread on an issue are deleted, the synced thread as a whole will now also be deleted
  • Tables
    Columns and rows within a table can now be rearranged using menu options
  • Cmd/Ctrl Enter now works correctly when creating a sub-issue in the issue create form on Windows and Linux
  • You can now use Cmd/Ctrl J to jump to the current selection in the active editor
  • Added a comments field to the documents resolver to retrieve comments associated with a document
  • Fixed the IssueHistory.actors field which previously errored when an issue had no actors
  • Added health property to project entity, which returns the health of the project based on the latest project update
  • Added initiative to Favorite model
  • Roadmaps are deprecated. Project webhooks will now return an empty array of roadmaps and will stop returning the roadmaps property altogether in 2 months. Use initiatives instead.
  • Added displayName to IssueImport entity
  • Added deletePermanently option to issueDelete mutation to allow workspace admins the option to permanently delete the issue and skip the recovery period of 30 days.