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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Slack channel notifications for custom views

Slack channel notifications for custom views

You can now receive Slack notifications for any custom issue view in Linear. Use custom views to select any subset of your issues that you're interested in, and then set up Slack notifications to keep your team up to date when issues are added to the view, marked closed, or canceled.

Examples include:

  • High priority bugs
  • Issues blocking other work
  • Issues moved from one team to another

Learn more in the docs and configure notifications from the bell icon in the top right of any custom view.

HIPAA compliance

In addition to SOC2, Linear is now compliant with HIPAA. Request a BAA (Enterprise plans only).

New and noteworthy

Convert milestones to projects

You can now convert milestones into projects. This will bring over the milestone description and inherit the properties of the parent project, including initiatives and project priority.

Auto-detection for links

We've simplified the process of linking to external resources. Just attach a URL and we will auto-detect if it matches an existing integration like Slack or Github.

Arm build for Windows

We now offer an Arm build of Linear for Windows. Make sure you’re running the correct architecture for the best performance – the new build is available on our download page.

  • Board
    Fixed layout issues where the hidden rows and hidden columns area would overlap in some cases
  • Documents
    Fixed a bug where inline comments would be incorrectly positioned
  • Editor
    Fixed a bug that prevented the drag handle for checkboxes from working as expected in Firefox
  • Email Intake
    Invalid email addresses are no longer generated if a team name or template name is too long
  • Exploring
    Fixed an issue where the Exploring team would disappear from the sidebar when opening a team's project
  • Icons
    Fixed the alarm icon to inherit colors properly based on context
  • Inbox
    Prevented the app from freezing when selecting inbox items with Shift / quickly
  • Insights
    Fiscal year settings are now taken into account when aggregating data quarterly or yearly
  • Issue
    Fixed a bug preventing the Cmd/Ctrl Shift L keyboard shortcut from opening the Links section
  • List
    Row highlights no longer fade out on mouse out
  • Notifications
    Fixed notifications for issues added to triage through Asks by users without a Linear account
  • Project
    Fixed an issue with calculating bumped dependency dates when the dependent project didn't have a start or target date
  • Project updates
    Fixed paddings in project update panels
  • Projects
    Fixed an incorrect redirect when attempting to visit a custom project view for a team
  • Timeline
    Fixed default zoom level for timelines to be the Year zoom
  • Navigation
    On the native app, we no longer open a new tab when switching between workspaces
  • Labels
    Fixed an issue where when moving a label into a label group, it could remove the label from all related issues instead of just the issues already in the label group
  • Filters
    Fixed an issue where filtering out a specific project would also hide issues not attached to any project
  • Activity
    Timestamps in the tooltip now show the day of the week in issue and project activity
  • Breadcrumb
    Right-clicking an item in the breadcrumb now displays a menu with copy options, such as copying an issue ID or a project link
  • Custom Views
    Added a button to copy the current link to issue and project view pages
  • Cycles
    You can now start your upcoming cycle on the current day as long as the current cycle didn't just start on that day. The currently active cycle will immediately be completed if necessary to accommodate this.
  • Cycles
    Allowed changing the start date of a cycle to be up to a year into the future if desired. We will also offer to change all future cycle start dates by the same amount of time, and this will be your only choice if your change would make the cycle encroach on future cycles.
  • Documents
    Moved the button to toggle the visibility of the inline comments sidebar into the context menu in the page header. It's also available in the Cmd/Ctrl K menu
  • Due Date
    The due date of an issue is now always shown on a board or list view, even if the issue has been completed or canceled
  • Favorites
    It is now possible to favorite a team's all projects page
  • Filters
    The project health filter now allows filtering for outdated updates.
  • Filters
    When filtering issues by initiative and grouping by projects, you won't see empty groups for projects outside of the selected initiatives. The same behavior now also applies when using exclusive filters for projects, project priorities, and initiatives (e.g., "initiative does not include..." filter).
  • Integrations
    Added a popover in integration settings to see a list of members who installed an integration
  • Issue History
    We now show the previous priority in a tooltip over issue priority changes
  • Issue view
    We now rendered sub-issues on archived issues
  • Issues
    When converting an issue to a project, we now mark the issue's previous project (if any) as blocking the newly created project
  • Labels
    When creating a new label, Linear now generates a random color by default
  • Lightbox
    Images opened in the lightbox now have the proper context menu in the desktop app
  • Milestones
    You can now create a new milestone when selecting a milestone from an issue property dropdown
  • Notifications
    We now remove unread project update reminders from your inbox if you have added an update for that project since receiving the reminder
  • Project
    When Linear suggests an icon for a new project, it will also provide alternate suggestions in the icon and emoji picker.
  • Projects
    Quick filters for projects now let you filter for projects with an outdated health status
  • Slack
    Document link summaries are clearly annotated as generated
  • Slack
    We improved consistency between link unfurls and added initiative link unfurls
  • Slack
    You can now sync the issue with the Slack thread (if possible) while using the "Link existing issue" message action in Slack
  • Slack
    We no longer consider Asks issues for recency when determining the team to auto-populate in the issue creation dialog in the Slack integration
  • Templates
    Issue templates can now include estimates for the issue and sub-issues for any team that has estimation enabled
  • Templates
    When creating an issue from a template, we now remove unfilled placeholders from the description upon saving the issue
  • Timeline
    You can now pinch to zoom the timeline and the cursor is used as an anchor whenever you zoom
  • Settings
    Fiscal year settings have been moved from Initiatives to General settings
  • Create issues
    You can now use to create a deep link for issue creation for the currently logged-in user
  • We will be removing deprecated internal fields Issue.descriptionData and DocumentContent.contentData from our GraphQL API in two weeks
  • Fixed a bug where projectUpdateInteraction.user failed to resolve
  • Added initiatives property to projects to query related initiatives
  • You can now use Cmd/Ctrl Shift \ while a code block is focused to change the formatting language
  • Desktop Tabs
    Added shortcuts Cmd Opt (Ctrl Alt ) and Cmd Opt (Ctrl Alt ) to switch between desktop tabs