Slack notification actions
Slack notification actions

We've made it easier to update Linear issues directly from Slack. You can now comment on an issue, assign one to a teammate, or subscribe/unsubscribe from an issue, all directly from Slack.
If you receive a Slack notification about a comment on your issue, you will be able to immediately respond via the "Comment" button on the message. You will also be able to unsubscribe or assign the issue by selecting the actions under the "More actions..." dropdown. Additionally, when an issue link is unfurled, the message will now include these actions, allowing you to respond, subscribe to or assign the issue right from the Slack message.
Fixes and improvements
- When you re-assign an issue, assigned notifications for the previous owner are now deleted
- Improved support for SAML with support for OneLogin
- We now delete all appropriate notifications from the previous assignee
- Issue assigned notifications are no longer deleted when an issue's priority is lowered from urgent
- Autocompleting an inline suggestion in the editor will no longer create two spaces after the suggestion
- Autocompletion in the editor now matches text up until the cursor position, making it possible to e.g., @mention someone without first adding a space after the cursor
- Relationships between issues are now copied when merging issues
- Projects in the project picker menu are now sorted more intelligently
- Added keyboard shortcut hints to sidebar navigation controls for desktop application
- Changed highlight on a linked comment to disappear after the user clicks the page
- Clicking the issue history entries timestamp now copies the link to your clipboard
- API filters now truncate all dates to the closest millisecond
- Fixed an issue that would prevent creating issues from Slack
- Fix inline filter not focusing when opened from the command menu
- Fixed a layout issue in the sidebar for long workspace names
- Fix to allowing cancel in confirm step before moving issues between teams
- Fix to issues where Linear's layout shifted unexpectedly
- Fixed bug where closing emoji autocomplete would try to discard the issue
- Fixed when attempting to clear search input could result in a previous search term reappearing
- Fixed some instances where text was not properly escaped for Slack notifications
- Fixed the issue URL not being posted in a channel after an issue is created from Slack
- Fixed a bug that would cause the Intercom integration not to load for very long conversations
- Fixed a race condition that would allow navigating away from the editor before images had completed uploading
- Fixed a bug where buttons and toggles in the issue create modal would not work correctly with the keyboard
- Related issues where sometimes shown and sometimes filtered from search incorrectly, this is now fixed