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Create Linear issues with all the details developers need to resolve bugs faster

Jam interface for creating an issue
Create Linear issues instantly with screen recordings, technical logs, and auto-filled issue properties.
Jam interface for creating an issue
Create Linear issues instantly with screen recordings, technical logs, and auto-filled issue properties.
Linear interface showing Jam created issue
View complete bug context right in your Linear issues, including device info and reproduction steps.
Jam interface showing console log errors captured
Reproduce and replay exactly what happened with console logs, device info and user steps.


Send bug reports directly to Linear with all the details developers need. Jam auto-captures technical logs, and creates developer-ready bug reports in seconds.

Each Linear issue comes with screenshots or screen recordings and all technical logs of exactly what went wrong, so developers can start resolving issues faster with full context of what happened.

How it works

With this integration, you can send bug reports directly from Jam to your team’s Linear projects. No more copying and pasting between tools or asking for missing information.

Creating Linear issues with Jam is simple:

1. Find a bug and record it with Jam’s browser extension
2. Click the Linear button in your recorded Jam
3. Add a title, description and fill in any ticket properties
4. Get a developer-ready Linear issue with all the details

Your team gets complete bug reports in Linear, including:

- Screenshots or screen recordings that show exactly what happened
- Console logs, network errors, and user actions
- Device info and system details
- Step-by-step replay of user actions


Connect Jam to Linear in three quick steps:

1. Install Jam's browser extension by visiting
2. Open your Jam workspace settings
3. Turn on Linear the integration and connect your Linear account

Start building

Build your own integration

Create your own integration with Linear’s API and submit it to the directory.