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Keep your web app stable and your customers happy by pairing session replay and error monitoring

A dialog prompting the user to "Connect Highlight with Linear".
Connect with Highlight to create issues from session replays or comments
A dialog prompting the user to "Connect Highlight with Linear".
Connect with Highlight to create issues from session replays or comments
Highlight’s "Create a new Linear issue" dialog with a title and description.
Click anywhere on a session replay to create a comment and turn it into a Linear issue
A comment "could this error happen because of the new Clearbit integration button" with a link to a Linear issue.
Keep your context with Linear issues that include stack traces and complete reproductions


Highlight allows you to monitor your web app and keep track of errors encountered in your frontend and backend. When integrated with Linear, you can quickly create issues from Highlight session replays or in the errors feed with comments.

How it works

Connect Linear to your Highlight workspace to create issues from comments. Click anywhere on a session replay to create a comment and instantly turn it into a Linear issue. Track progress on frontend and backend errors caught by Highlight via Linear issues. Triage your app errors from Highlight and turn them into Linear issues with stack traces and complete repro context.


To configure Linear, visit the integrations page in Highlight and click Connect. This will take you to your Linear team requesting the necessary permissions. Any member of a Highlight workspace can connect the Linear integration.

Start building

Build your own integration

Create your own integration with Linear’s API and submit it to the directory.