Automate feedback & feature request collection with public suggestion boards. Sync user feedback with Linear issues and display development progress from the public roadmap

Capture all user feedback, feature requests & bug reports through a public feedback board and sync them with Linear. When you make updates to an issue in Linear, the post on your public roadmap will be automatically updated as well. This will inform your users about the current state of development.
How it works
Featurebase helps you capture user feedback to get a better overview of your user's needs. Let people vote on features and have the feedback automatically appear in your Linear backlog. Manage the most impactful and upvoted ideas straight from Linear and have them automatically synced with Featurebase, letting everyone know the current progress.
Easily hop between linked Featurebase posts and Linear issues. Check on the latest comments on your Featurebase post and clarify any questions directly with users. This way, you can easily make sure what you build aligns with your user's needs.
If you happen to already have an issue in Linear, you can simply link a Featurebase post with it. Click the Linear button on a post, select 'Link to existing issue', and search for the relevant issue. The issue will be synced going forward.
To connect Linear with Featurebase, go to your Featurebase Dashboard -> Settings -> Integrations and select “Connect to Linear”. Once connected, configure rules to sync statuses and all new user feedback will be automatically sent to your backlog. Linear buttons will also appear on your Featurebase posts, enabling your team to push old (unsynced) Featurebase posts to Linear and easily hop between the two platforms.