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View-only links to share your Linear projects

Lindie interface showing Linear projects
Issues, projects and updates are kept in perfect sync
Lindie interface showing Linear projects
Issues, projects and updates are kept in perfect sync
Lindie interface showing toggles to show or hide projects
Decide which projects to share and features to enable. Revoke access at any time
Lindie interface showing the submit request modal which puts issues into triage
Clients can submit requests into triage


Lindie is the perfect solution for agencies and large teams that need to keep stakeholders updated on their projects. With Lindie, you can generate private read-only links for secure access to your projects. This allows stakeholders to see the latest information on a project without access to your Linear account.

How it works

Once setup, toggle which projects you want to generate a link for, and the issues for that project will begin syncing. If a project is part of multiple teams, we'll combine workflow statuses with the same name to produce one clean board view.

When the link is shared, stakeholders will have access to view all issues and changes in real time. They can also submit requests to the triage section and see future project updates if you allow. We'll use your logo and organisation name from Linear as the favicon and page title.

When you no longer need to share the project, simply deactivate the link and access will be removed, along with any data related to that project from our database.


Simply signup to Lindie and connect your Linear account to begin. We require read access to view projects, issues and workflows, and write access if you enable submitting requests.

Webhooks are used to automatically keep active projects, their related issues and updates in sync. However, if you change your organisation name, logo, or workflow statuses, you'll need to trigger a manual update from your Lindie dashboard.

Start building

Build your own integration

Create your own integration with Linear’s API and submit it to the directory.