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The first step to using Linear is to create a workspace for your team.

Linear workspace switcher


Your workspace is your home in Linear where all issues and interactions live. We recommend organizations staying within a single workspace as this is the conceptual model we use when designing the product.

When you create your workspace, Linear automatically creates a default Team with the same name. You can create additional teams later in settings.

G then S to go to settings to configure workspace settings or invite members

Option/Alt Cmd/Ctrl Q to logout

Cmd/Ctrl K to search and find actions to switch workspaces


As an admin:


Workspace Settings

Admins will be able to:

  • Update your Workspace name and URL.
  • Enable the Roadmaps feature.
  • Add or remove members to the Workspace.
  • Import or export issues.
  • Change plans.
  • View or update billing information.
  • Configure workspace-specific integrations GitHub and GitLab, Slack, Figma, and Sentry. These can be configured by anyone in your workspace as long as they have the required permissions from the integrated service.


By default, your workspace will be on the free plan which means all members can access admin functionality including adding and removing members, exporting data, and deleting teams and the workspace. Upgrade your workspace anytime under Plans to define admins and access additional features.

Delete workspace

You can delete workspaces (which also includes issue and user data) under Settings > Workspace > General if you're an admin. Please note that this action is not reversible.

Edit workspace settings

In Settings > Workspace > General, you can change your workspace's name, logo, or URL.

Multiple workspaces

You can create multiple workspaces in Linear under a single account (e.g. tied to a specific email). If you are using Linear for different purposes such as work and personal issues, we recommend you create these workspaces under separate Linear accounts.

To add a workspace from another email account:

  1. Click on your workspace name
  2. Select Add an account from the dropdown.
  3. Select the sign-in method you prefer.
  4. Authentication your email address.

You'll be able to switch between workspaces,even those under different email accounts,without having to log out of any of them. You can switch workspaces from your keyboard by hitting O then W.

Export workspace data

Go to Settings > Workspace > Import/Export to export your workspace data in CSV (this requires admin permissions.)

Alternatively you can export data using the GraphQL API.