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Third-Party Application Approvals

Enterprise plan subscribers can opt to enable third-party application approvals for their workspace.

Login screen on the Linear desktop app


For security purposes, admin members of a Linear workspace may want to have control over which third-party applications can be installed. Requiring admin approval for new third-party applications ensures that admins have full control over which applications will have access to their Linear workspace and workspace information.


Upgrade to the Enterprise plan

To enable third-party application approvals, you'll need to upgrade to the Enterprise plan if you haven't already. If you're moving from an existing plan to the Enterprise plan, your current subscription will be canceled and a credit will be applied to the new Enterprise plan subscription.


Once you are an admin member of your workspace and subscribed to our Enterprise plan, you can turn on third-party application approvals from Settings > Workspace > Security. Apps you have approved or denied will show up here for future reference.

Requesting approval

If app approvals are turned on and you try and install a new third-party application as a regular member, we will show you a screen which allows you to easily request approval. If the application has already been denied previously, we will let you know as well as sharing the reasoning why.


Admins will receive an email and an in-app notification when an application has been requested for approval. This notification will contain a link to the workspace applications page so you can approve or deny the application swiftly.

Once the application has been approved or denied, the member who requested the application will also receive an email and an in-app notification.