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Audit log

Audit logs show you a record of workspace events over the last 90 days.

Available to workspaces on our Enterprise plan


Linear automatically tracks events related to account access, subscriptions, and setting changes including the IP and country of the actor. All audit logs are retained for 90 days. You can browse recent events and filter them by event type. For more complex queries, we recommend you access the audit log through the API.


Only workspace administrators can access them given the sensitive nature of the information. Find them on the settings page under Workspace settings.

Access via API

To perform complex queries based on type, actor, and other metadata, we recommend that you access the audit log through Linear's GraphQL API. Visit our API documentation to read more about making GraphQL API requests.

You can utilize the advanced filtering capabilities of our API to narrow down your query.

You can also get the list of all the available log entry types from our API.