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Our integration with Sentry lets you create Linear issues from Sentry and create links between Linear and Sentry issues.

Linear and Sentry logos


Create new Linear issues from Sentry exceptions and link Sentry exceptions to existing Linear issues. Once enabled, the option will show up in Sentry under Linked Issues. When a Linear issue is completed, any linked Sentry issues will be automatically resolved. Re-assigning an issue in Linear will update the assignee on linked Sentry issues, too. Read more about the integration on Sentry.

G then S to go to Settings > Workspace > Integrations > Sentry

Use mouse to interact with Sentry links in Linear


Enable the integration in Linear from workspace settings.


Create issues

When viewing a Sentry issue, go to the right sidebar and select Create Linear issue, then fill out the quick form. We pre-fill the description with the Sentry issue details and you'll add the title, team, assignee and priority.

Link issues

When viewing a Sentry issue, go to the right sidebar and select Link Linear issue, then search for it existing issue by ID or title.


We’ll automatically close Sentry issues when the linked Linear issue is resolved. We'll also update the assignee in Sentry if it changes in Linear (this will work if you use the same email for Linear and Sentry).

You can also configure automatic creation of Linear issues based on issue/event alerts and metric alerts in Sentry from Alerts > Create Alert and customize your rules to create a Linear issue.

Protip: Most list or board views let you display a Sentry icon when issues are linked to Sentry issues. If the view supports this option, you'll see it as an optional field under Display properties. Clicking the icon will take you directly to Sentry, saving you a click.

Remove links

To remove the Sentry link, right-click on the link from the Linear issue and select Remove.