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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Custom statuses for projects

Image showing project status icons, reminiscent of a slot machine with 5 slots and the different icons representing what would be different numbers or images in a slot machine

Custom project statuses

You can now create custom statuses for your projects. Custom statuses help you share more context about where a project is in its lifecycle and what steps are needed to move the project forward. Go to workspace settings > projects to create or modify statuses under the categories: Backlog, Planned, Started, Completed, and Canceled. If your workspace has any paused projects, they'll now be assigned a Paused status under the Planned category.

Here is how we are using custom project statuses internally at Linear:

  • We have three different Backlog statuses to communicate how early a project concept is and how seriously we're exploring the idea.
  • Under the Planned category, the Ready status indicates which projects are ready for engineering to pick up while Accepted signals there is scoping work left to be done.
  • We've created a Maintenance status to capture evergreen projects as well as projects that have shipped but are still actively being worked on (e.g. to incorporate changes based on customer feedback).
Dropdown showing the project statuses we use at Linear. Under the Backlog category, the statuses are Idea, Proposal, Discovery. Under Planned, the statuses are Accepted, Ready, and Paused. Under In Progress, the statuses are In Progress and Maintenance. The remaining statuses are the default Completed and Canceled statuses.

Triage responsibility integrations and API

If you use Triage responsibility to manage who reviews incoming issues on your team, you now have more options available for setting custom rotations. You can now link to schedules from OpsGenie and, in addition to PagerDuty. Alternatively, you can use the API to build your own connections to schedules in other applications.

Improvements to document comments

Open comments are now displayed next to documents and always visible until they're resolved. You can view a document's resolved and deleted comments by selecting the checkmark icon at the top right of the page.