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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Github commit linking

GitHub commit linking

Our GitHub integration just got better with the addition of the ability to trigger workflows from commit messages. Simply add magic words (e.g. closes ENG-123) to your commit messages and we'll move the issue to In Progress when the branch is pushed and Done when the commit is merged to the default branch.

To avoid needing access to your codebase, this new functionality requires a small amount of additional setup. Admins can head over to settings to enable the feature for your team.

Inbox filters

We recently overhauled filters for issues and projects and now we've also added filters to the Inbox. While we encourage you to keep your Inbox clean, it can sometimes be useful to filter out notifications for a specific team, project, or priority. You can also filter by notification type. Just like when filtering issues, you can combine and modify filters.

New sidebar & team icons

We released the new sidebar design in preview a couple weeks ago and have now enabled it for everyone using Linear. We show fewer links in team sections and added sub-menus, making it easier to navigate. We also added the shortcut Alt/Option and click on a team or section name to collapse or open it. Teams now have icons which you can update in team settings. If your team name matched a keyword, we paired it with a related icon, otherwise they've been assigned the default icon.

SOC 2 Type II

In October we announced the completion of our SOC 2 Type I audit, an independent review which verified the effectiveness of our security controls. We are now happy to announce that we have completed the SOC 2 Type II audit, which confirms the security of our systems throughout an ongoing monitoring period.

Security continues to be a top priority at Linear. We're committed to providing a secure and trusted environment for product teams. Thanks again to Vanta for helping us monitor our processes at all times.

You can read more about our security practices and how to receive a copy of the SOC 2 Type II report in our Security Documentation.

Fixes & improvements

  • Added a new shortcut + Shift + P to set a parent issue. In the resulting list you now can also remove the relation.
  • Fixed inability to save a new team icon
  • Notifications of auto-closed issues aren't posted as Slack notifications anymore but they are still available in the Inbox
  • The "Set parent issue" action is now more flexible and allows reparenting in bulk, even if some selected issues already have a parent
  • Triage issues are now sorted above completed issues in custom views
  • Fixed the alignment of badges in issue cards on the board
  • Fixed the inability to switch labels by clicking on a title on the label page
  • Fixed a missing shortcut tooltip on "Add issue..." buttons
  • We will now correctly show all Jira projects when setting up the Jira Link integration, and we will check for sufficient Jira permissions before allowing the integration to be created
  • Fixed Zendesk integration's ticket re-opening automation to work with host mapping (custom domains)
  • Projects progress graphs no longer show impossibly good progress if a project is completed early
  • Fixed a crash when opening view options on small screens on the triage page
  • Fixed keyboard shortcuts sometimes targeting the parent issue while creating a sub-issue
  • When changing a team's identifier and there's a conflict with the old identifier of a different team, you can now choose to delete the old identifier
  • Fixed an issue where due date filters would not work correctly
  • The Sentry integration now allows applying workspace labels
  • Removed non-functional view options from inbox
  • Embedding a Figma link for a file (without a specific frame) no longer results in a broken image
  • Issues in completed cycles will now automatically move to the current cycle if they are moved to a started or unstarted status
  • In list view labels are now condensed into a single badge if there are too many
  • The shortcut O then D to open a list of documents now works everywhere
  • Fixed an issue where some docs were not properly displayed in suggestion search
  • GitHub links on PRs will now be properly formatted even if some linked issues have descriptions and others don't
  • The contextual menu no longer blocks keyboard shortcuts (including browser shortcuts)
  • Added the ability to filter notifications in Inbox
  • Fixed a bug where formatting with markdown syntax could remove a space between words
  • Error messages are now more descriptive for issueCreate mutation failures in the API
  • Fixed using Cmd/Ctrl+Enter to save a document title change would not persist the change
  • Links in the editor are no longer broken up by bold and inline code
  • Fixed an issue where Escape would not navigate back on issues with Figma embeds
  • Project names now always show inside the bars in the roadmap timeline
  • Alt/Option+ click now quickly toggles read status on notifications in the Inbox
  • Fixed some multi-select actions in custom views
  • Fixed hiding columns on boards when grouping by project
  • Notifications now show an icon for urgent issues
  • Allows Cmd/Ctrl+K (and Cmd/Ctrl+R) while a contextual menu is open
  • Holding the Alt or Option key while opening or closing a sidebar section will now open or close any section including favorites
  • Remapped the delete notification action from D to Backspace. Remapped the delete read notifications from Cmd/Ctrl + D to Shift + Backspace.
  • Fixed text content of descriptions/documents/comments not being cleared when deleted by user