Linear Release 2021.06 and Issue Triage
Linear Release 2021.06 - "Grow with Linear"

This release brings new features to help fast-growing teams manage added complexity without losing efficiency.
"Fast growing startups are built on Linear" - Medium ->
Issue Triage
We build in public at Linear and put care into talking to users and getting feedback. We talk to hundreds of customers each week through our Slack community, Twitter followers, and to users who send in bug reports, requests, and questions through our in-app help modal which routes to our Front Inbox which we use for customer support.
We like to link to customer conversations in Linear issues so that we can keep track of requests and get back to customers when issues resolve. As we grew, we found it harder to do that. We weren’t alone as we learned a lot of our customers faced this same problem: they had Linear issues filled with links to customer conversations. Some also had started building separate Triage “teams” where they would file all new issues, then clean up, prioritize, and move them to the appropriate team.
So we built this user experience into Linear: Triage. All new issues from integrations, or members outside of your team, now go to a special team inbox called Triage. These issues have linked attachments back to the customer support tools where they were created.
The product team can choose how they triage issues but we’ve built in a simple workflow you can follow, too. Use keyboard shortcuts or the menu to accept an issue to the backlog, escalate it to the current cycle, merge, decline, or even snooze the issue for later. Declining an issue prompts you to leave a comment explaining why and you can keep an issue in the Triage inbox while you wait for more information.
To enable Triage, visit Triage section under your team's settings.
Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed selecting labels with space in command menus
- Fixed a bug that would take the user to a different issue when making changes to it, in some cases.
- Email login links should now work even with aggressive email scanners that would before invalidate the authentication code.
- We now correctly detect and migrate epics in more situations when using the migration assistant.
- Improve wording for the control to share views.
- Fixed tooltip on the sidebar search button.
- Checkboxes for selectable actions will now correctly reflect their selected state
- All personal GitHub repos will now be fetched when using the Migration Assistant for GitHub
- Fixed a bug with issue attachment actions sometimes not working