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Streamline issue tracking in meeting agendas and notes

Fellow interface to create issues in Linear
Fellow interface to create issues in Linear
Import linear issues into fellow
Linear and fellow are synced


Stay aligned on tasks by creating, importing and managing Linear issues directly in your meeting notes with Fellow's integration for Linear.

How it works

It's best practice to end meetings with clear action items and next steps. Streamline issue tracking in meeting agendas by using Fellow's integration with Linear to import and create issues.

Once linked, the item status, due date and assignee will stay in sync between both products.

Create issues for action items one at a time across your meetings or save time by configuring an entire stream to automatically send all action items over to Linear.


Connect through the Apps & Integrations page in Fellow's user settings.

Once the integration is connected, Linear issues can be created or imported on a one-off basis, or entire meetings can be configured to automatically create and sync Linear issues from Fellow action items by enabling the integration in the Stream settings.

Start building

Build your own integration

Create your own integration with Linear’s API and submit it to the directory.