Turn user feedback into Linear issues to keep your team in sync and auto-sync statuses between FeatureOS and Linear.

This integration helps you close the customer feedback loop by keeping your team and your customers in-sync. Create new Linear issues from FeatureOS posts, link posts to existing Linear issues to have key information synced between FeatureOS and Linear. Automatically update customers when new features are shipped or bugs are fixed with status sync between tools.
How it works
The Linear for FeatureOS integration is simple yet powerful. Once you install Linear on FeatureOS, you'll see a Push to Linear button on the post sidebar which will allow you to trigger the Linear issue creation workflow.
When you click the Push to Linear button, you have the choice to choose which project the issue should be created in, who should be assigned to this issue and customize title and description. Once an issue is created on Linear via FeatureOS, you will see a link back to the FeatureOS post which gives you easy access to the posts on FeatureOS when you need them.
Alternatively, if you would like to link an existing Linear post on FeatureOS, you can do so by searching for the Linear issue, and simply clicking on Link button. It is as simple as it can get to keep yourself, your customers and your product team in-sync.
When you don't specify a project, all new issues create via FeatureOS are automatically created under Triage view (if you have Triage enabled on Linear).
An administrator on FeatureOS can connect Linear with FeatureOS under Organization Settings from Admin Dashboard. Once you successfully integrate, Linear buttons will appear in appropriate places to allow your team to create new issues on Linear via FeatureOS.