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Create Projects for features or large units of work.

Projects view in Linear


Projects are units of work that have a clear outcome or planned completion date, such as a new feature's launch and are comprised of issues and optional documents. They can be shared across multiple teams and come with their own unique features, progress graph, and notification options.

Shift P to add issue to project

O then P to open project

G then P to go to your team projects view

Cmd/Ctrl I to open or close the project details sidebar

G then R to view all projects on the company roadmap

Cmd/Ctrl B to switch between list, board and timeline view


View projects

Each team has a 'Projects' view, which organizes the team's projects into a list, board, or timeline. This view offers functionalities similar to the Roadmap but is exclusively for your team's projects.

To explore a specific project, click on it to access the project overview. Here, you'll find a brief project summary, project properties, any associated documents and links, a detailed project description, and a list of project milestones.

When browsing all the issues within a project, the total estimated effort or the total count of issues is displayed at the top of each issue group (hover over the estimate to see the count of issues). Additionally, you can use the 'View Options' to customize how issues are sorted, ordered, and grouped, or use the F shortcut to apply filters

Create projects

Create new projects directly from the Roadmap or your team's project view by clicking the + button. This action opens a prompt where you're asked to fill in specific fields. While the only required field is the project name, we recommend also assigning a project lead and a milestone, and updating the project icon for better visibility and organization. To edit these properties later, simply right-click on a project within the Roadmap or change these properties from the project overview or project details sidebar.

Add issues

Add existing issues to projects or move issues between projects by selecting the issues and using the shortcut Shift P. To create new issues in a project, use C from the project view or add the project property manually if creating the issue from another page.

How we work: The project lead is in charge of writing the spec and general execution. Other team members collaborate on the brief, split up areas of work, and then write their own issues.

Attach views to projects

Next to the "Issues" tab in each project, you'll find the new view icon. This feature enables the creation of custom views of the project's issues. By clicking this icon, you can filter a subset of the issues and save this filtered perspective under a specific view name.

Once a view is created within the project, it can be repositioned by clicking and dragging it to the left or right to adjust the order in which these views appear. These views are accessible to anyone who has access to the project and are displayed as tabs, similar to the Overview and Issues tabs, allowing users to easily share and switch between different perspectives within the project.

Additionally, right-clicking on a view opens options to copy the view link, add it to your favorites, edit its details, or delete it.

Example views we've attached to projects: A view we use often is a view that filters for all issues assigned to the current user. This ensures everyone viewing a project can quickly view all their issues. We also use a bug view that filters for all issues with the "bug" label. A "standup" view filtering for In Progress helps us have more efficient standups.

Project details sidebar

Press the sidebar icon or use Cmd/Ctrl I to toggle the project details sidebar on or off. You'll be able to update any properties from here as well as add resources such as external files, create project documents, and view the project progress graph.

Multi-team projects

Projects can be shared across multiple teams. Add more teams when creating a project or from the project details page by clicking on the team name, then marking off more teams in the dropdown. Once you add more than one team, the project view will create tabs so you can toggle between seeing all issues or issues on specific teams.

Adding team to a project in Linear


Rarely will a project's precise end date be known in its early stages. Select start and target dates that match your level of certainty. Options are available to choose a year, half-year, quarter, month or precise day. Choose start and target dates using these timeframes by selecting the appropriate fields in the project's right sidebar.

You can also use these timeframes in project views in roadmaps when grouping by start or target date, or in start/target date filters as well as created at under the "custom date or timeframe…" option.


In board views for projects, the display options offer an addtional visual dimension called "Rows", or swimlanes.
In addition to your existing vertical column grouping, you can group horizontally another grouping such as project status, health, roadmap and more.

Linear project board
Linear project board
Swimlane grouping by project status and target date timeframes