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Project status

Projects have special project statuses that are separate from issue workflow statuses.

Project status


Projects are created with the Planned status by default if created from the active tab. The status will appear next to the project name in the roadmap or project timeline pages as well as in an icon on the project bar.

Cmd/Ctrl I to open the project details sidebar and click on the status to update it.

G then R to update the status from the Roadmap

Change status

You'll have to manually update the project status to change it (we do not do this automatically, even if all issues are completed). Planned, started, and paused projects appear under the Active tab while cancelled or closed projects move to the Closed tab until they are archived. Project statuses are not currently customizable.

Create a custom status

Project statuses can have customized name, description, and color, which is configured in Settings -> Workspace -> Projects -> Project statuses. You can have multiple statuses within the available types: Backlog, Planned, In Progress, Completed, and Canceled.

Archive projects

Archived projects are visible along with their graphs and details under a team's archive view.

Projects will be archived based on the team's auto-archive setting once all issues have been completed and the project has been marked closed or canceled. Issues will always archive at the same time as their project, even if they have been closed for longer than the auto-archive setting. Otherwise, archiving them before the project will affect project statistics.

Delete projects

Deleting a project will move it to the recently deleted projects section of your team's archive. It can be restored within 14 days after deleting, after which point it is permanently deleted. Right-click over the project name or open the three dot menu from the project view, then select Delete, to delete it.