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Invite & Manage Members

Invite and manage members of your team.

Linear app settings page showing the Manage members settings


You can manually invite, suspend, and promote/demote members from the workspace members settings page.

Invite members

Send an invitation

To send an invitation:

  1. Go to the Settings > Workspace > Members
  2. Click the Invite people button.
  3. Enter the invitee(s) email address. To add multiple invitees, separate each email by commas.
  4. Under Invite as..., select the role you want the invitee(s) to have when joining the workspace (paid plans)
  5. You can select the team(s) you want your invitee(s) to automatically join.
  6. Click Send invites. New members will receive an invite link via email along with steps to join the workspace.
In case an email server is filtering out invitation emails, we recommend whitelisting and/or as trusted senders in email settings.

Inviting members differs depending on your plan and login configuration.

All members of a workspace on the Free plan are considered an Admin, thus anyone can send invitations to new members.

By default, only Admins can invite members on paid plans. Admins can allow all users to invite members by toggling on Allow users to send invites within Settings > Workspace > Security.

For SAML-enabled workspaces, ensure that members are given access in your identity provider (IdP).

Users who have access to Linear through your IdP may login to the workspace without needing an invitation. If no account existed for this user before, one will be created through Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning. The user will show up as a member in Linear from this point on.

Reach out to if a new user's email does not match other emails in your workspace, as it will have to be added to the SAML configuration as an approved domain.

Learn how adding or removing users affects billing.

Allow email domains

To save time from manually inviting new members, Admins can navigate to Settings > Workspace > Security and apply allowed email domains. Once set up, anyone with the matching email domain can join the workspace without an invitation or approval. This is only designed to streamline the joining process and does not prevent users from creating new workspaces with that domain email.

Users who are creating new accounts will see a prompt to join the workspace during the onboarding flow.

For members with existing accounts, click on your current workspace icon, hover over Switch workspace, select Create or join a workspace. The workspace with the allowed email domain should show up under available workspaces.

User roles


On free plans, all members of the workspace have Admin privileges.

On paid plans, the creator of the workspace and/or the member who upgrades the workspace to a paid subscription are granted Admin roles.

Admins on paid plans are the only users who can:

  • Grant or remove Admin roles
  • Invite and suspend members
  • Manage login methods
  • Update billing or change plans
  • Enable integrations
  • Import or export issues
  • View the audit log


Members have full access to the workspace and any issues and projects that are not part of private teams.


Guests can be invited to join selected team(s) regardless of whether they are private or public teams. They can only access data in the teams they have been invited to join. In the teams they can access they can take the same actions as members, but cannot see any workspace-wide features like workspace views or initiatives. Guests can only view settings handling their account directly (Profile, Preferences, Notifications & Security & Access.)

If you have a shared project between a team in which the Guest is not a member of and a team in which the guest is a member of, the Guest can only see issues that are a part of the team in which they are a member of.

For example: A Guest is a part of team A. Project 1 is shared between Team A and Team B. The Guest can only see issues associated with Team A.

Guest accounts are available on the Business and Enterprise plan and are billed as regular members.
Review your integration settings before inviting guests to your workspace. Integrations that are enabled for the workspace will be accessible to guest users, which means they could access Linear data from teams outside of those they are invited to join through these services. This includes GitHub, GitLab, Figma, Sentry, Intercom, Zapier, and Airbyte. To avoid this, ensure that guest users do not have access to your accounts on those services. Integrations that require users to authenticate with their email should limit access to only issues and data in invited teams. This includes Slack, Discord, Front, and Zendesk. The above is applicable to integrations listed and built by the Linear team. For third-party integrations, please review access individually or reach out to the contact listed in the Integrations directory.

Suspend members

To suspend a member from the workspace:

  1. Go to Settings > Workspace > Members
  2. Click on the three dot menu next to the member's name
  3. Select Suspend user...

The member will be removed from the workspace and unable to access it unless they are unsuspended. Suspended users will be removed from your next bill, as detailed in our Billing documentation.

There isn't a way to remove or hide suspended members from the member list, but you can filter the list to not show these members. We keep suspended users for historical reasons (they will show up in issues where the user was mentioned or involved) On paid plans, regular members will not see suspended users in the list.

To view issues created by or assigned to suspended users, navigate to the suspended member's profile. You can do this with the direct link If you do not know the username, an admin can find the link by clicking on the user's photo or filter for "Suspended" members in the Members page.

Leave a workspace

Members can voluntarily leave a workspace, but retain the option to join it again. To leave a workspace:

  1. Go to Settings > Workspace > Members.
  2. Click the three dots next to your name.
  3. Select Leave workspace...


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