Linear helps Cash App manage aggressive roadmaps.
Behind Cash App's elegant consumer interface lies one of fintech's most sophisticated engineering operations, coordinating complex financial services at massive scale. Managing development across such a diverse platform requires exceptional tooling. Katherine Velasco, Platform Lead at Cash App, shares their experience with Linear:
"Linear has been the transformational tool that finally checked all of the boxes that kept both our Technical Product Managers and Engineers happy, allowing us to roll out centralized tooling for our software development management for the first time.
We run a very large platform team that manages aggressive roadmaps with various points of cross-vertical intersections. These were very hard to coordinate until we used Linear.
Linear is fast in every global geography where our teams operate, unlike similar tools that we trialed in the past that brought with them a great deal of latency. I especially appreciate the low maintenance approach to managing software development in this tool. There is no excessive toll on our teams to track their progress, and this has been a big part of the team adoption. Lastly, the integrations with GitHub and Slack make our lives so much easier! Spinning up a new Linear issue directly from a Slack thread gets our conversations tracked and scoped, and cuts down on team churn. Introducing this tool in general has been a huge win for our teams."