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Customer Story


Pleo transitioned their internal support workflows to Linear Asks.

Pleo, founded in 2015 in Copenhagen, is a business spend solution that processes expenses, pays invoices and issues smart company cards. Catering to forward-thinking teams, Pleo's product automates the tedious aspects of spend management, allowing employees and accounting departments to focus on more meaningful work.

To enhance their own operational efficiency, Pleo adopted Linear in 2021 across their engineering, product, and design teams (EPD). They liked Linear’s simple and thoughtful design, which keeps teams across the company aligned with goals and following a standard process, while still giving individual teams flexibility in how they map out their workflows and run projects day-to-day.

We love the way Linear supports the autonomy of our delivery teams, giving each of them flexibility to fine tune their process. At the same time, it brings everyone at Pleo together, providing a thoughtful baseline for successful project management at our scale.

Zoárd Manó (Zeo) Csoltai
Senior TechOps Engineer

Pleo has more than doubled in size since they started using Linear. As they’ve scaled to over 800 employees, teams across Pleo have transitioned to using Linear to plan and manage their work. Linear’s thoughtful, purpose-built design has helped their teams stay focused amidst fast growth.

Linear has just the right features to support the workflows we need – in a way that is intuitive and robust. This product philosophy is very compatible with how we build Pleo and the reason why it was a natural fit for us.

Zeo Csoltai
Senior TechOps Engineer

Pleo has been an early adopter of many of Linear’s new features, often contributing critical feedback while features are in the discovery phase through beta development. Both Pleo and Linear value building products in close collaboration with their customers and understand how much of a difference it makes when you listen to customers, understand their needs, and then act quickly to meet them.

We've worked with the Linear team for many years now. They are always so responsive in taking our feedback, iterating on it, and coming up with a solution to the problems we’re having. We really respect that instead of just building what we ask for, they examine the problem deeply and improve the product not just for us but with all of their customers in mind.

The speed with which Linear iterates is scary fast sometimes. We'll share a bug or piece of feedback and sometimes it’s fixed the next day. It’s as if ten engineers have been thrown on the problem and come up with a solution. It’s amazing.

Zeo Csoltai
Senior TechOps Engineer

Recently, Pleo transitioned their internal support workflows to Linear Asks, which enables them to create and manage common workplace requests in Slack. All 800 employees can create an Ask in Slack whenever they need help from operations teams in technical support, developer experience, billing, revenue operations, and more. These requests can be reviewed and completed end-to-end in Linear. The transition was swift and effortless, and the company has already seen benefits and cost-savings compared to their previous tool.

I really appreciate the fact that Linear is designed to be out of your way. It doesn’t enforce a lot of functionality or structure on you or require you to learn a whole new process just to get your work done. I think that really shows through in how easy it was to set up and use Linear Asks across the company. Do I have any complaints about Linear? No, not really. It does what it’s supposed to do incredibly well and I enjoy using it.

Zeo Csoltai
Senior TechOps Engineer