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New updates and improvements to Linear.


A simple tree diagram on a white background. ‘Mobile’ is the parent team at the top, with arrows branching down to child teams ‘iOS’ (Apple icon) and ‘Android’ (Android icon).


Sub-teams let you build a team hierarchy in Linear that mirrors your organizational structure, making team relationships clear and navigable to workspace members.

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Define team hierarchies

Create parent teams and nest sub-teams under them to group teams by function, department, or product area. When a team grows large enough for specialized work to emerge, split it into sub-teams to provide focus without disrupting ongoing work or losing visibility.

The linear application sidebar showing ‘Your teams’ with a parent team named ‘Mobile’ and two child teams labeled ‘iOS’ and ‘Android,’ each with corresponding Apple and Android icons. The child teams are nested and indented under the parent team

Simplify administration

Standardize processes across multiple teams with shared settings. Sub-teams inherit workflows, cycles, and labels from their parent team. These settings are configured in a single place, reducing administrative overhead and enabling you to maintain consistent processes across teams as you grow.

Settings page showing the team hierarchy options where iOS and Android teams have been set as sub-teams of the Mobile team

View and manage work across multiple teams

Create views at the parent team level to see projects and issues from every sub-team. Members of any sub-team automatically have access to their parent team, enabling cross-team visibility. With shared workflows, cycles, and labels, teams can collaborate more effectively, understand dependencies, and coordinate timelines—all while maintaining their individual focus areas.

A project view showing projects from every sub-team of the Mobile parent team, organized by status

Sub-teams is available on Business and Enterprise plans. Go to Team settings > Team hierarchy to set up parent and sub-team relationships and learn more in the docs.

Reminders on projects, initiatives, and documents

Set reminders on issues, projects, initiatives, or documents so you can revisit them at a later date. Schedule reminders from the contextual menu of each page or use the keyboard shortcut H. You'll receive reminder notifications in your Linear Inbox. Pending reminders are labeled at the top of their respective page, and they can be modified or canceled from there.

Modal showing options for setting a reminder that is an hour from now, for tomorrow, next week, a month from now, next cycle, or set to notify you at a custom date

Mobile app: Team projects and navigation

View and update your team's projects from the mobile app. Dive into a project to create issues, view and edit the project overview, or post updates. A new navigation menu lets you quickly switch between views of your team's projects, issues, cycles, and Triage.

Mobile app showing a menu that lets you switch between the Triage, issues, cycles, and projects views of a specific team

Improved Billing Settings

We’ve updated the billing page to give you more visibility into your Linear subscription. See scheduled plan renewals, active discounts and trials (with their expiry dates), and a complete invoice history.

  • Actions
    Fixed actions returning empty results when triggered while focusing on text input fields
  • Command menu
    Fixed an issue where pressing Cmd/Ctrl K twice quickly caused the command menu to disappear instead of reopening
  • Command menu
    Fixed an issue that allowed users to copy multiple issues, projects or initiatives as markdown through the command menu
  • Custom views
    Fixed display options not being preserved when duplicating a custom view
  • Document updates
    Fixed keyboard shortcuts Alt Up/Down Arrow to move between changes when viewing document content changes
  • Editor
    Fixed the editor capturing the Cmd ` command for switching between windows in Safari
  • Editor
    Fixed preview images when dragging a large table
  • Editor
    Fixed creating Markdown lists after a soft return inside a table cell
  • Imports
    Emojis imported from Slack are now correctly imported when using the Linear to Linear migration assistant
  • Imports
    Fixed a regression where deleting a Linear to Linear import did not clean up imported customers, documents, emojis, initiatives, projects, teams, and users
  • Inbox
    Fixed missing margins on project-related notifications on smaller screens
  • Inbox
    Fixed the "is not" issue status type filter to include notifications not related to issues
  • Initiatives
    Fixed a bug where the project list would flicker if you opened a contextual menu
  • Inline comments
    Fixed an issue where draft replies would disappear when another user submitted a comment
  • Inline comments
    Fixed the positioning of some document comments when opening them from the inbox
  • Inline Comments
    Fixed the highlighting style for some resolved inline comments
  • Insights
    Fixed initiative quick filters in Insights to properly handle archived initiatives and missing projects when no initiative slice was selected
  • Insights
    Fixed counts in Insights when searching for text content alongside other filters
  • Issues
    When an issue is permanently deleted by another user in your workspace, we now correctly navigate away from the issue
  • Issues
    Fixed a bug that caused "undefined" to appear when copying customer requests without content as Markdown from an issue
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
    Fixed a bug where some keyboard shortcuts would become inverted, such that O became I to open an issue.
  • Keyboard shortcuts
    Fixed a bug where pressing Escape would go back instead of clearing the selection in cycle view
  • Notifications
    Fixed an issue where the document changes modal re-opened when clicking on an active document change notification
  • Projects
    Fixed project status selection to correctly handle and reflect statuses when multiple projects are selected
  • Projects
    Fixed a regression where we did not automatically navigate to the last visited pinned view upon reopening a project
  • Search
    Fixed navigating to and from the search input field using arrow keys
  • Sentry Integration
    Fixed a bug where some users couldn't update Sentry integration settings
  • Settings
    Fixed scroll restoration when navigating between settings pages
  • Slack
    Slack user group mentions are now converted to plain text strings instead of broken links in Linear
  • Slack
    Fixed an issue where some values did not show up in suggestion dropdowns
  • Teams
    Copying team settings during team creation now correctly sets default templates when they point to workspace-level templates that have no specific team set on them
  • Templates
    Fixed a bug where you could move a template from a team to the workspace level, and team-specific labels wouldn't be removed
  • Views
    Fixed the behavior of filters when editing issue views
  • Attachments
    GitHub Enterprise Server custom domains are now supported when creating GitHub PR/issue attachments
  • Customer requests
    It is now possible to reverse the merge direction between customers in the customer merge dialog
  • Documents
    Added a new "Create document in..." action that allows you to quickly create documents in any project or initiative directly from the command menu
  • Documents
    Improved command menu actions ordering for the document page
  • Editor
    Added a context menu for selecting, copying, and deleting a table
  • Editor
    Included slugified heading text in heading URLs
  • Editor
    Improved performance of large tables
  • Editor
    Visually improved the dragging of columns and rows inside tables
  • Editor
    It is now possible to mention project milestones
  • Filters
    Added project milestone name filters to issue views
  • Filters
    We now show all filter options when there are only a few applicable options instead of hiding options that currently don't have any matching items in the view
  • GitHub integration
    Reopening an issue on GitHub that was never previously synced to Linear now creates a synced connection
  • Icons
    Improved accessibility of colored icons
  • Importers
    An imported issues' assignee field is now preserved, even if the imported user hasn't signed up on Linear yet
  • Initiatives
    Copying an initiative overview as Markdown now includes projects, along with their summaries and statuses
  • Project
    Copying the project overview as Markdown now includes milestones
  • Project views
    When filtering and grouping by initiatives, the filter will also affect which initiatives are displayed as groups
  • Projects
    When editing project milestones, you can now move between descriptions of different milestones using the arrow keys
  • Templates
    When moving a template from a team back to the same team, we no longer ask for confirmation
  • Templates
    Added automatic title selection when applying a template that sets the issue title
  • It is now possible to upsert customers with a tier by specifying the tier name instead of the tier UUID
  • Webhooks are now sent for initiatives and initiative updates
  • It is now possible to load a customer by its slug ID
  • Cmd/Ctrl A inside of a table cell will select the whole cell, then the whole table, then the whole document
  • Added the ability to copy all project and initiative updates with comments from the updates view using Cmd/Ctrl Alt C