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Group sub-teams underneath a parent team. Feature settings configured in the parent team drive alignment throughout the group.

Shows a mobile parent team with nested ios and android teams in Linear's sidebar
Available on Business and Enterprise plans


Sub-teams allow you to reflect your organization's structure in Linear, making it easier to understand and manage work across different levels of your company. Create new sub-teams to organize work into specialized units as your organization scales while keeping existing workflows standard within the group.

Concepts like issue statuses, cycles, and labels set in a parent team are inherited by its sub-teams, allowing sub-teams to operate well both as individual units and as a unified whole.


Update an existing team to a sub-team

Go to Settings > Teams > Team hierarchy and select another existing team as its parent. Taking this action requires admin permissions. To protect the privacy of private teams, a private parent team may have only private sub-teams.

Shows selecting a parent team under Team settings > Team hierarchy

Create a new sub-team

When creating a new team, optionally designate it as a sub-team at creation. To protect the privacy of private teams, a private parent team may have only private sub-teams.

Selecting team hierarchy when creating a new team

Configure a sub-team

Once you've created a sub-team, a wizard will take you through any conflicts that need to be resolved. Common tasks include normalizing statuses between parent and sub-teams and resolving duplicate label conflicts.

After configuring a sub-team, check its settings to customize features unique to that team (GitHub PR automations, for instance) to ensure they meet the sub-team's needs.

Parent team feature settings inherited by sub-teams

Certain settings from a parent team are enforced throughout all sub-teams.

FeatureInheritance by sub-teams
MembershipMembers in a sub-team must also be members of the parent team. Guests are the exception to this and may belong to a sub-team but not its parent.
StatusSub-teams use identical statuses to their parent team.
CyclesIf a parent team has a cycles schedule defined, all sub-teams will inherit the same schedule. If the parent has no schedule then sub-teams may define their own. When merging a sub-team cycle schedule with a parent's, past cycles remain untouched. The current cycle on the subteam will close, and upcoming cycles of the sub-team update to the closest parent cycles.
EstimatesOptionally, sub-teams can elect to inherit estimation settings from their parent team.

Parent team feature settings accessible to sub-teams

Sub-teams benefit from other features used in the parent team, and retain the flexibility to create similar entities scoped to the sub-team.

FeatureUse in sub-team
Labels Issues in a sub-team can use labels scoped to the sub-team, its parent team, or the workspace.
Templates Issues in a sub-team can use a template scoped to the sub-team, its parent team, or the workspace.
Views Sub-teams can have dedicated views. Issues in sub-teams are accessible in the views stored in their parent teams.

Independent feature settings in sub-teams

Other features in sub-teams have no relation to the parent team and should be customized to meet the needs of the sub-team specifically. These include

  • Team timezone
  • Recurring issues
  • Team Slack notifications
  • GitHub/GitLab automations

Private parent and sub-teams

If a parent team is private, its sub-teams must also be private. If a parent team is public, its sub-teams may be public or private.

As with all private teams in Linear, a user can see private team-specific data only when they belong to the private team themselves.

As an example, given a private parent team A with private sub-teams B and C, a user belonging to A and C cannot see issues belonging to B, even if those issues are in a project or view shared with teams A and C. If there is a project shared between teams B and C, this user would only see issues belonging to team C in the project.