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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Project timeframes

Target date shown as Q1 with options to set it for a specific day or broader resolutions such as month, quarter, half-year, or year

Project timeframes

Use broad date ranges as project start and target dates instead of specific ones. This lets you plan project timelines at your current level of certainty, such as next month, quarter, or year, when they more accurately reflect product timelines.

  • Plan ahead by selecting more flexible target dates
  • Filter your view to just the timeframe that matters (e.g. Q2 projects)
  • See roadmaps in different time resolutions (e.g. group by month)
  • Communicate launch timelines to colleagues
Roadmap grouped by quarter

Customize cycle dates

You can now customize cycle start and end dates to coincide with planning meetings and match the rhythm of your team.

  • Choose the exact start date when activating cycles
  • Edit the start or end date of individual cycles to work around holidays
  • Navigate between individual cycle pages with Opt/Alt + J/K
  • Issues completed during cooldowns are now attributed to the previous cycle

Integration improvements

  • [Asks] When an Ask is created from a top-level Slack message (using 🎫 or the overflow menu action), we now automatically import all threaded messages under it to the synced Linear comment
  • [Slack] When an issue is created from a top-level message in Slack, we now automatically import all threaded messages under it to the synced Linear comment
  • [Front] You can now create and link Linear issues from internal discussion threads

New filters & ordering

  • Filter projects by Last project update = Never
  • Sort projects by Status. Active projects are prioritized over unstarted, completed, or canceled ones

New keyboard shortcuts & command menu actions

  • Ctrl Shift I to focus issue description input
  • Type v + space in the command menu to quickly search for custom views
  • The command line now removes accents from an input string (e.g. Mela would return both Mélanie and Melanie)

New settings