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New updates and improvements to Linear.

New Git automation: Ready for merge

A screenshot of the git workflow settings.

New Git automation: Ready for merge

You can now add issue status automations for pull requests that have passed checks and are ready to be merged. This new workflow step is available for both GitHub and GitLab and can be configured in your team’s Workflow settings.

Linear will capture both approvals and passing checks/pipelines according to your repository’s branch protection rules. For example, if you require two approvals and specific checks to pass, Linear will update the issue status only when those conditions are met.

The new status automation can be combined with a View Subscription to subscribe to all new issues that are marked as ready for merge which can be helpful for QA workflows. It also allows you to differentiate between issues in code review versus issues that have been approved.

Improved authentication controls

A screenshot of Linear's auth settings page

We shipped significantly improved controls to manage your authentication sessions. The new Security & Access settings page lists all authenticated desktop application and browser sessions with security information such as location, IP address, and last seen status. This makes it easier than ever to audit access to your account. You'll also find a list of all OAuth integrations you have granted access to.

To enable this level of granularity we completely reworked how Linear handles sessions behind the scenes. As a result, we now also allow better control over session length so you won't get logged out by surprise.

  • We now provide a more informative status update in the synced Slack thread when an issue is marked as a duplicate of another issue
  • We will now default to choosing the next available instance of an hour when generating reminder date options for 12 hour clocks, rather than defaulting to the same time tomorrow
  • We now display a team selector when using a project template URL for a template which doesn't specify a team
  • Fixed scrolling in issue lists on Google Pixel devices
  • Fixed incorrect milestones and roadmaps assigned when applying multiple project templates
  • When using Copy issue title(s) command, issue identifiers are also included in the issue titles
  • It is now possible to subscribe to DPA updates in
  • Improved keyboard navigation when nav sidebar is collapsed
  • Fixed a problem with large images not fitting within the viewport on the project update notification page.
  • We now add the 🚨 emoji to the Slack message if an Ask created from that message is marked as urgent
  • Fixed using Cmd/Ctrl Tab and Cmd/Ctrl Shift Tab to change tabs on desktop even while writing descriptions or comments
  • Added link and filter button to the subscription notification badge
  • Fixed an issue where users couldn't create Asks issues for private teams they were not members of
  • Added action for uploading files and images to the slash menu
  • Enabled file upload keyboard shortcut (Cmd/Ctrl Shift + U) even when editor is focused
  • We will now send a message to the Slack thread when an Asks issue has moved out of triage
  • Ensured spacing between issue history entries is consistent
  • Fixed scenario where desktop and web notifications would sometimes not be sent.
  • Fixed some overflows and text styling on Project Update settings page.
  • Markdown formatting will be properly preserved when using a template with placeholders for Asks
  • Fixed triage responsibility PagerDuty mapping
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent linking a merge request for a project in a subgroup.
  • We now indicate if you need to manually add a bot to a Slack channel in the Asks settings page in Linear