Arc Integration

Arc integration
Today, we welcome Arc to the growing list of Linear integrations.
Arc is a new, next-generation browser from our friends at the Browser Company. Like Linear, Arc is fast, beautifully designed, and features a keyboard-first design - which is where this new integration comes in.
Linear users can now create new issues directly from Arc. Simply hit ⌘ t to access Arc's command bar and type “New Linear issue” to directly open Linear's issue creation modal.
This integration is pre-built into Arc and doesn’t require any extra setup or configuration. You can learn more about the integration here.
Fixes & Improvements
- Fixed opening documents on small screens
- User avatars now have more different colors
- Fixed a bug where error messages during workspace creation didn't display correctly
- Added roadmap names to issue export (CSV and google sheets)
- Urgent issues in the Triage list are now marked with urgent priority icon.
- Fixed styling inconsistencies in the issue creation modal
- Fixed a problem with opening custom views from the views list on mobile devices.
- When filtering for "is not" active cycle the filter will now match issues that have no cycle as well. The same goes for "is not" previous cycle and "is not" upcoming cycle. Existing custom views will not include this behavior change, it will only be in effect for newly created filters. You can remove/add the filter to an existing view to get the new behavior.
- If importing from a GitHub personal repo, you will now longer be shown the option to import organization level projects, which would lead to an error.
- Marking a notification as unread won't immediately revert to marked as read if you open it nearly at the same time.
- Improved the roadmap/projects view on mobile screens
- Fixed a bug where roadmap tabs would not behave correctly after renaming roadmaps
- All context menus and command line have a new way to jump up and jump down: Arrow Up Cmd/Option to jump to the first item, Arrow Down Cmd/Option to jump to the last item.
- Fixed a problem with context menu items not being properly focused when being outside of the viewport.
- Fix bug where a toggle in team estimate settings wouldn't update correctly.
- Fixed a bug where issues could be created into old cycles
- Improved the teams chart in the roadmap details pane
- The small pulsating animation used for highlighting new features or updates has been replaced with a more static indication. The animation was simply too expensive.
- Uploaded retina quality screenshots are now displayed at their real size.
- Fixed a bug causing images to not be properly imported from Jira.
- Fixed a bug where empty groups would display when grouping by team on project views.
- Fixed filtering by previous cycle while in cooldown period.
- Fixed a problem with inability to save sub-issue state in workspace issue template.
- After creating a roadmap, we now show all projects in the roadmap.
- We now correctly apply the "show empty groups" view option in project/roadmap views.
- Un-snoozed notifications will now show the time at which they were un-snoozed when they are unread.
- Fixed a problem with an initially selected item not being visible in the context menu list.
- Fixed a bug where menus wouldn't close correctly.
- Fixed a problem with an initially selected item not being visible in the context menu list.
- Notifications generated by actions taken by third-party applications will now display more accurate actor information.
- Fixed a bug where ordering on roadmap pages would not work correctly in some cases.
- Editing date filters now respects the current value when opening the date picker.
- Improved error message when entering unsupported url attachment.
- Fixed a bug where creating custom views from label pages didn't work.
- Fixed a crash when editing roadmaps.
- It's now possible to drag and drop multiple projects on list views.
- The custom view menu now includes a "Duplicate" option.
- You can now open the native context menu by holding Alt while secondary clicking.
- Added option to open a page for a label group.
- It's now possible to add/remove multiple selected projects to a roadmap.
- Made it possible to change roadmap owner