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AI to automate solving your tickets

Give tickets to producta
Give tickets to producta
Producta asking to refine issue
Showing PR to producta


Producta creates the perfect pull request straight from your Linear ticket, or help you refine it if the task is not clear.

How it works

Using LLMs to generate good code is hard. Producta makes it easy by automating the process: clarifying the task, finding all relevant files, and using optimal prompts.

Using the Producta's integration for Linear, you will only need to give the tickets you want solved to Producta. It will help you refine them if the task is not completely clear, and will then proceed to open a pull request presenting a solution.


To start using Producta in your Linear workspace, go to and sign up there. You will be guided to install a Linear and a GitHub app, and when things are set up you will be able to start having your Linear tickets solved by Producta.

Start building

Build your own integration

Create your own integration with Linear’s API and submit it to the directory.