OpenAI in-app Help

OpenAI powered in-app Help
Today, we're releasing an upgraded in-app help center to Beta. In addition to some design tweaks, we added the ability to use OpenAI's GPT-3 model to ask questions from our documentation. You can also still use regular keyword based search for both docs and keyboard shortcuts.
We're excited about the possibilities to help Linear users quickly learn about concepts and features. You can try the beta today by pressing ? inside the application and typing your question.
The new intelligent help search was built in collaboration with Relevance.AI who are also a Linear customer.
HMAC signed webhooks
To improve security of Linear's webhooks, we added HMAC based signing of webhook messages which can be used to verify their authenticity. You can get the signature secret from your webhook settings, which is available for both regular and OAuth webhooks, and use it to calculate SHA256 based signature of the content for verification.
Read more in our developer documentation.
Improvements & Fixes
- When copying the current view URL (using ShiftCmdC), any additional applied filters are now included in the copied URL
- Improved command / contextual menus navigation by allowing to loop through items with ⇥ and ⇧⇥
- You can now use X to select in split view
- We now import comments when using the migration assistant for Asana
- The Shortcut and Jira importers will now import due dates
- Non-admin users can now trigger Google Sheets export
- We narrowed the OAuth scope for our Google Sheets integration
- You can now connect multiple Notion workspaces to the same Linear workspace
deeplinks are now supported as editor, issue, and project links- Project health badges now change color as they age
- The status type filter is now available in more contexts
- Tweaked some colors in translucent panels in dark themes
- Issue titles in lists will now only have a tooltip if the title overflows
- Improved the copy of duplicate relations on the original issue. It now reads duplicated by instead.
- The urgent priority icon now tones down in color when the issue has been completed
- When hovering over a pull request attachment on an issue, we now show the repository the pull request was created in
- We only let you choose from open and recently completed projects when creating an issue from Slack or Discord to make it easier to find the relevant project
- Improved calendar date matching when typing dates via command line actions, such as reminders
- We now collapse multiple dashes into one in the generated git branch name
- Issue preview popovers in the editor now work correctly when the team identifier has been changed
- Adds a signature key field to the webhook form and signature and timestamp headers to outgoing webhook requests
- Improved scroll restoration when navigating to projects and back to project list/timeline
- Added a popover showing comment information when hovering a comment link
- Added Create issue button for No project, No assignee, No label group headers
- Improved restoring a scroll position when navigating back in settings section
- Added an info text on list and board views when completed issues are filtered out because of view options
- The desktop app will no longer potentially trigger firewall warnings on Windows
- Fixed a bug where personal view options would revert to an incorrect value after saving as default
- Fixed a bug that caused a failure when attempting to create new issues from Slack
- Adding a link attachment with quotes in the title no longer causes an error
- Fixed a bug causing a less relevant time suggestion to show above more relevant ones when setting reminders
- Next is now used properly when indicating upcoming days of the week when setting a reminder for a date
- Fixed CmdShiftC conflict: the command toggles code formatting if the editor is focused, and otherwise copies the current page's URL
- Fixed a problem where issues were reordered automatically even when manual ordering was selected
- Label picker should now be fully visible on mobile
- Fixed a bug where creating issues from views with certain filters could result in
property values - Fixed smart links parsing when importing from Jira
- Fixed a problem with some comment notifications not scrolling to the comment and not being marked as read when clicked
- Lists in text inputs are no longer forced to have an empty paragraph afterwards
- Creating an issue from another issue will now default to the same project
- Fixed a bug where clicking on a comment did not scroll to it when on the same page
- Fixed comment emoji reactions not visible on focus
- Fixed comment actions not visible on focus
- Fixed a problem with middle mouse click not opening links in the browser
- Fixed authentication problems in Safari's pinned tabs