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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Project templates

A project template for Marquee feature with milestones Alpha, Beta, etc.

Project Templates

You can now create standard templates for projects. You'll be able to define basic details such as the project name, description, lead, project members, project status, and associated roadmaps. You can create pre-defined milestones, for instance, so that every project includes Alpha, Beta, and GA milestones (e.g. this makes it easy to filter for all projects actively in beta), and also create standard issues for the project. Issues created in a project template can be assigned to different teams and milestones as well. This feature is particularly useful for workflows that require a standard set of tasks.

To create or edit a project template, go to the Templates section in your team or workspace settings. When you initiate a new project, you'll have the option to apply one of these templates from the project creation modal, in the same way you do for issue templates.

Series B

Last week we announced our Series B fundraise, led by Accel, with participation from Sequoia Capital, 01Advisors, and some of the world’s best product builders and operators including the founders of Slack, Vercel, and Supercell. We didn’t have to raise a new round, but it gives us the capital and confidence to build and grow for many years to come. Thank you for building with Linear. We’re committed to our focus on building intuitive, high-quality, and magical software and helping you do the same. Read the full post on our blog.