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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Project progress reports

Progress report from a Linear project, highlighting what percent of milestones were completed since the last update. The progress report is printed out on a piece of paper, like it would be for an old school critique of the design.

Progress reports for projects

Project updates now include a concise overview of changes in a project since the last project update. Below the project health and written summary, you’ll see key metrics around issues completed, progress toward milestones, as well as changes to target dates, project leads, and teams involved in the project. This makes it easier to see progress at a glance and spot when a project might be at risk.

These new progress reports are included in project updates shared to Slack if you have set up the notification in project update settings (we highly recommend it). This makes it easy to communicate progress to stakeholders across your organization.

Project boards

Whenever you’re looking at a list of projects, you can now view it in a board layout in addition to the list and timeline views. The board layout supports the same display options as lists and can be grouped by roadmap or by project status, project lead, or project health. We’ve added flexibility so that you can configure different properties to appear on different layouts. For example, a view of this quarter’s projects seen in the board layout can show multiple properties while the list view can be kept simple and only show the project status, health, and lead.

Issue reactions

You can now add emoji reactions to issues to provide quick feedback or celebrate a win. A button to add a reaction is available below the issue description, right above where you would add sub-issues. The issue’s creator will receive a notification for reactions to their issue. All standard emojis as well as any custom emojis you have imported from Slack are available to use.

Slack integration improvements

The Linear Slack integration now lets you link a message to an existing Linear issue in addition to creating a new issue from a message. Select the “Link existing issue…” action from the overflow menu for any message in Slack to search across all issues currently in your Linear workspace. You can search by ID or title of the issue.