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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Sidebar update

Sidebar update

Last week, we pushed out changes to the sidebar navigation which added team icons and sub-menus, with the goal of making it easier to navigate team views. This improved the experience for many users, but added more steps for users who frequently navigate to views such as the board and backlog. We like to ship fast but realized we moved a bit too quickly this time, so we spent the last few days iterating on the design to improve the experience for those users.

The improved design features team icons but brings back views that were moved to sub-menus. You can once again access any view in the sidebar in one click. We're still working on additional improvements. Watch out for them in future changelogs and please keep sending us your feedback. We're listening.

Conversation previews

When debugging, it's often helpful to refer to the original user report. It can contain key details for identifying the problem. It also makes it easy to contact the customer if more information is needed or to let them know that the issue has been fixed.

To make it even easier to include this information in Linear issues, we've added rich issue attachments to our support integrations with Front, Zendesk, and Intercom. In addition to linking to the original support ticket or conversation, we now display a modal directly in Linear with the original user request and key information such as the ticket creation date, subject line, and ticket type. We've kept the feature that lets you auto-fill the issue description with the user request when creating Linear issues but doing so is no longer necessary.

When linking additional support tickets to a Linear issue, we now create an activity item and display related comments directly underneath it. This makes it easier to read the comments in context and differentiate them from other comments in the issue's activity feed.

Our API has been expanded to also support rich issue attachments. When creating attachments, you'll be able to define a list of attributes, or messages, which will be displayed in the attachment modal. Read more in our API documentation.

Automated Sentry issues

You can now configure your Sentry integration to automatically create Linear issues based on Sentry alerts. Try it out today by creating a new Sentry alert or adding a Linear action to an existing alert. We recommend enabling Triage with this feature, so that newly created issues from Sentry will go there and can then be reviewed and prioritized by your team.

Fixes & improvements

  • Fixed a bug where snoozing issues in Triage also hid them in other views
  • Workspace admins can now delete comments from all users on paid plans
  • Triage view will now allow un-snoozing issues that have previously been snoozed
  • Fixes highlight of an active cycle sidebar item
  • Zendesk and Front integrations now allow including issue description through a personal preference when filing a new issue
  • Changes default grouping of "All issues" view to group issues by status
  • Fixed a bug where issues could get stuck in completed cycles
  • Fixed a bug causing the GitHub commit integration to sometimes fail
  • Fixes "blocked content" issue when attempting to embed loom videos without the "www."
  • Fixed linking more than one Front conversation into an issue from within Linear
  • Updated icons in toast popups
  • Fixed an issue where the issue create modal would throw away issue drafts
  • Linked customer support tickets, and other links, now appear in the issue history
  • Fixes a problem with project summary popover not being closed when choosing project color
  • Fixed a bug that was causing comments to be created when attaching files to the drafted comment
  • Added team icons in all menus, dropdowns, and other UI elements
  • [API] Fixed a bug where issues created without an explicit status set would fail if the team had disabled triage
  • [API] Fixed passing base64 encoded images in issue description