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New updates and improvements to Linear.

New webhook types

New webhook types

This week we're adding more options to our webhooks which can be used to build realtime updating applications on top of Linear's API. Previously we sent updates for all of a team's issues and comments to registered webhooks. This was wasteful if the developer only cared about issues and not about comments. Now you can select which resource type change notifications you want to receive. But wait, there's more! We have added more update types: issue labels, comment reactions, cycles and projects. Webhooks can now also be named to make them easier to identify.

We're working on more API-related updates and would love to hear your feedback in the #api channel in our community Slack.

Fixes and improvements

  • API: Fixes to GraphQL schema inconsistencies
  • API: Added new queries for User (teams) and Team (users) to make it easier to get lists of teams and their users
  • Editing a Github PR to include an issue in the title or description should now trigger status changes for the issue as expected
  • Issue due dates no longer show as overdue for issues completed on time
  • Fixes to Git branch name formatting for issues with dashes in the title
  • Fixes to the drag handle for projects in the list view
  • Fix to how images are included in new issues created through the API