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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Sentry Integration

Integrate Sentry with Linear

You can now integrate Sentry with your Linear workspace. This integration has been requested by many Linear users who use Sentry to keep track of their application health and log errors.

The integration allows you to create or link a Linear issue from any Sentry error. It can be assigned to a team or teammate and with a label and priority set directly from Sentry. When the Linear issue is completed, the issue in Sentry gets resolved as well. Updating the assignee from Linear will also update it on the Sentry issue.

To start tracking your Sentry issues in Linear, connect Sentry in your workspace's integration settings.

Refreshed Labels and Workflow settings

We refreshed the design of the Labels and Workflow team settings views making it faster than ever to keep your team's labels and workflow statuses up to date. You can now add or edit labels and statuses directly while viewing the full list instead of being taken to a new view. Workflow status descriptions appear inline next to the status name making them easier to read.

ProTip: You can add custom colors to labels or workflow status icons by pressing the plus sign in the color picker and entering a hex code.

Smooth sub-menu navigation

The contextual menu now keeps track of the mouse cursor position while you open sub-menus. We create a safe area between the cursor and mouse so that the sub-menu stays open as you navigate away from the main menu and toward any item in the selected sub-menu. See it in action!

Other improvements and fixes

  • Added new icons for project and issue menus
  • Added support for redirecting team-based URLs accessed with old issue identifiers
  • Deleting multiple notifications will now only show one toast message
  • Contextual menus now work on iPad with a mouse pointer support
  • Improved issue loading error messages
  • Visual improvements to invite and notification emails sent by Linear
  • Fixes to active focus handling and scroll position in list navigation
  • Fixes to CtrlShift[1-9] keyboard shortcuts on some layouts
  • Fixed cycle estimate counts to correctly consider included and excluded issues
  • Fixed project card display when there are multiple participating teams
  • Fixed issue shortcuts in the Inbox view
  • Fixed issue where toggling between board and list views would not work consistently
  • Fixed issue where additional items would get selected on Issues list
  • Fixed issue ordering on My Issues page
  • Fixed login URL when accessed with a non-supported browser