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New updates and improvements to Linear., upcoming cycle count setting and workspace deletion

We're now proud owners of the domain which is an easy to remember way to create a new Linear issue. Just type it in any browser and we'll forward you to the new issue creation page as long as you're logged into your account.

New setting: Upcoming cycle count

By default, Linear generates two upcoming cycles if you have the feature enabled. This lets your team plan ahead by adding issues to future ones. If you're using relatively short cycles, you might want to increase the number of upcoming cycles available. Head over to your team settings to change how many upcoming cycles Linear creates. You can add up to 10 upcoming cycles.

Workspace deletion

Linear now has functionality to completely delete your workspace and all associated data. It's accessible to all workspace admins under the workspace settings page.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Linear's Google integration is now verified and will no longer throw a warning when integrating with Google Sheets
  • Added team, priority and status information to issue webhook payloads
  • Several fixes to loading the application offline
  • Fixed issues which could lead to multiple integrations being enabled on the same account
  • Fixed GitHub onboarding step on mobile devices
  • Fixes to users receiving duplicate push notifications
  • Improved application Javascript bundle sizes
  • Improved communication around premium features in settings
  • Tooltips are now positioned better
  • Deleting a team now includes an additional confirmation for security