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New updates and improvements to Linear.


Editor improvements

Text editors are one of those features where it's important to get the experience just right. Over the past weeks, we’ve been making several small tweaks to our editor based on your feedback. Markdown pasting and conversion is more reliable, you can create blockquotes from the toolbar and pasting multiple paragraphs of code into a codeblock no longer creates multiple blocks.

Change organization name

You can now edit your workspace/organization name in the settings.

New team member: Mike Arvela

We happy share to that we have a new addition to the Linear team. Mike Arvela will be joining us in March and bringing over 10 years of engineering, product, and management experience. Welcome, Mike!

Other improvements and fixes

  • Fix to complex filenames in file uploading
  • New comment on issue shortcut (ctrlm)
  • Archive alert dialog no longer says that the action cannot be undone
  • Fix to cycle name in Google Sheets
  • Better error handling for data sync issues