Copy team settings

Copy team settings
Teams in Linear can define their workflow, labels and other settings, including the schedule of any cycles they might have been using. Many times, new teams would just want to copy over the workflow and labels from an existing team rather than fill them out themselves.
We added a new option to the team creation view to let you copy over all settings from an existing team.
Other improvements and fixes:
- The next upcoming cycle is now shown in the sidebar
- Emoji only comments
- You can press Shift and j/k to paint select a number of issues in issue lists
- You can now press and hold j/k to navigate the issue lists up and down
- You can now rename templates via the action menu
- Added a new preference to assign an issue to yourself if you copy its git branch name and the issue is unassigned
- Keyboard shortcuts are now correctly capitalized throughout the application
- Several fixes to board ordering and rendering
- There's a new action to mark all notifications as read