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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Issue templates

Happy new year from the Linear team!

Issue templates

If you have a certain structure of issues that you use frequently or have some information you'd always like to be filled out by people creating issues, you can now use templates to make your workflow a whole lot faster.

Templates can be created by anyone in the team and are scoped to that team. You can review the current templates, create new ones or edit existing ones in the new Templates section of Team settings.

In addition to prefilling your issue title or body, you can also set the labels and priority of issue templates.

Other improvements and fixes:

  • Optimized performance of board view
  • Added ability to filter by estimate points
  • Fixed ordering when dragging issues in a board when using filters
  • Better scrollbar support for improved usability
  • Wrapping long links in issue editor
  • Improved team assigning for new invited users