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New updates and improvements to Linear.

Zapier integration

Zapier integration

We've created a Zapier app that lets you create automation that publish issues to Linear.

Want to create a new issue when a tag has been added to an Intercom conversation? Or create a bug report when you receive an email message with specific keywords? Or create an issue whenever a custom database query returns a new row? Now you can.

The Zapier app hasn't launched publicly yet, but you can join our beta today.

We're developing the integration as an open source project and it's available on GitHub. Feel free to submit pull requests if there's something you'd like to add to it.

Label improvements

You can now filter for issues that don't have any labels. In the filter menu select Filter by label > No label. This filter can be mixed and matched with other label filters, so you can now filter for issues that either a specific label or no labels at all. Labels can now be removed using the ShiftL keyboard shortcut.

Other improvements and fixes:

  • Issue edits can now be saved using Command/CtrlS
  • Copying a git branch name will now result in a lower-cased team key
  • Improves cold startup performance
  • Improves layout of lists with long issue identifiers
  • When an issue is completed during an active cycle, it is added to the cycle
  • Co-workers can now be invited from a link in the sidebar
  • Sub-issues are now automatically added to the same project as the parent issue upon creation
  • Fixes loading of filters that target unassigned issues
  • Fixes to entering text in the command menu when the cursor isn't at the end of the input field
  • Fixes comment editing on Safari
  • Fixes filtering UI when filtering against multiple projects
  • Updated welcome tutorial to render better on mobile devices
  • Fixes search focus when selecting the search command from the command menu