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New updates and improvements to Linear.



To set direction and long term goals for the team it is often useful to plan larger initiatives or features alongside all the other work that needs to happen.

With Linear Projects, we wanted to make exceptionally easy and fast to create a project, and start refining it as you go. You can optionally set a target date, description, and link to the product spec so that the necessary context is there.

You can break the individual work to multiple Cycles, and make constant progress each week to complete the project.

This is our first release of Projects and we're excited to continue expanding them to make it easier for you to design and build software.

ProTip: If you need to group issues but they are too small to use Projects, you can link them together as sub-issues. Select an issue, and from command menu pick Set parent issue.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Archived issues can now be accessed via their URL and no longer return a 404
  • Scroll lists with Ctrln and Ctrlp shortcuts
  • Issues are now deselected in multi-select when changing views.
  • Hovering over sub-issues now support keyboard shortcuts
  • Improved editor styles
  • Improved styling for All Cycles view
  • Improved messaging for git branch name copying
  • Better error handling for failed user actions
  • Optimized initial application data loading performance
  • Don't trigger issue peek in inputs (tip: show issue peek by pressing Option in lists)
  • Fixed setting parent issue when creating a new sub-issue in some views
  • Fixed duplicate linking with GitHub pull requests
  • Fixed command menu mouse focus and styling for Safari