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New updates and improvements to Linear.

GitHub workflow configuration

GitHub workflow configuration

GitHub integration is one of our time-saving features in Linear. It lets Linear manage the status of issues based on associated GitHub pull requests. Previously, if you had the integration enabled, a pull request would automatically move associated issues into the In Progress status once the PR has been opened, and into the Completed status upon PR merge.

We wanted to give teams more control over their workflows and now you can customize the automation by setting your own workflow status for PR open and merge events. For example, to separate issues waiting for a code review, create a In Review status for your team and associate PR open to trigger this status. You can also omit the automation for each step and configure automation for each team separately.

We also improved how multiple pull requests per issue are treated. If your issue has several open pull requests open, we'll wait for all of them being merged until we trigger the merge automation step.

Cycle improvements

Cycles are still under active development and available under Developer Preview option in your personal settings. This week we shipped several cycle improvements:

  • Weekends are now drawn to estimation chart, and also taken into account with estimation calculations
  • Several fixes to cycle progress calculation and drawing
  • Issues are associated with the cycle if the issue is created from the cycle view
  • When enabling cycles an active cycle is created instead of having to wait a week for the planned cycle to start
  • Issues in My Issues are grouped by cycle and ordered by cycle start date
  • Improvements to keyboard shortcuts when adding issues into cycles
  • Fixed workflow ordering on cycle views

Other improvements and fixes

  • Better dark mode color scheme and other style tweaks
  • @mentions and links are now more visible in comments and issue descriptions
  • Added links to toast messages when moving issues between views for easier navigation
  • Move visible default label colors and styling in lists
  • Added issue filtering options for priority and labels
  • Bulk actions for issues are now shown in more views if they share the same team
  • Fixes to toast messages when inviting new teammates
  • Fixed issue with keyboard shortcuts not always working in the issue view
  • Several fixes to action menu
  • Fixed issue saving when image upload is still in progress