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New updates and improvements to Linear.

International keyboard shortcut improvements

International keyboard shortcut improvements

Keyboard shortcuts have been improved for non-US keyboard layouts. As part of the improvements, a few shortcuts were remapped to different shortcuts:

  • Copy issue ID: Command/Ctrl.
  • Copy issue git branch: Command/CtrlShift.

New version for Linear desktop application

As part of macOS 10.14.5 Apple tightened security requirements for applications. New version of the Linear desktop app has been notarized to match the requirements. If you had issues running the application before, please download the new version here:

Improved issue details bar

The UI is simplified and the drop-downs are replaced with the command menu actions.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Comment text is now included in desktop notifications
  • Rename issues from the command menu
  • Ability to copy url to the team. You can find it in the more menu by the team
  • Fix to Command/CtrlEnter / Escape outside editor
  • Fix to back button behavior in issue compose
  • Removed showing of duplicate toasts
  • Removed empty grouping headers