Linear desktop app
Linear desktop app

We released our desktop application for macOS this week. It uses the same Javascript/React application we build for the web, but with the Electron wrapper you get nicer notifications, dock badge for unread messages, and most importantly: it's always on. Together with the new application we refreshed our logo (thanks @maxvoltar!) and redesigned the login page.
New settings
Settings views have been combined into one area. This makes navigating personal and team settings easier. GitHub and Slack integration capabilities are also explained in more detail.
Better notifications
We added emails for unread notifications. They are only sent if you were to miss them in the desktop app. We do want to keep your email inbox for more important messages.
Desktop notifications have been redesigned so that titles and descriptions are easier to read. Issues marked as Urgent will also require user interaction as we don't want you to miss them.
Other improvements
- Inbox's "mark all as read" has been re-mapped to ShiftEsc shortcut and it's now also outside the Inbox view.
- New action for adding a comment to an issue was added Command/CtrlShiftM
- Internal links have been fixed and they will load significantly faster. You can also paste an issue ID into a description or comment and it's linked automatically.
- Issue actions have been cleaned and un-relevant ones have been removed from the new issue view.